Greetings and Holykisses Yall!
It's Thankful Thursday once again and I'm counting my many blessings .... how about you!?
This is my "today's" random 5:
1. I'm thankful for the dragonflies that fluttered all around me this week while I weeded my flowerbeds! They were constantly catching my attention; dancing about, and landing right where I was working. I couldn't help but notice.

Thankyou ABBA FATHER for bringing me such JOY in my life!!! I feel so loved by YOU and my angel mother!

"The Lord took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." Genesis 2:15

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." Psalm 23: 5
I feel the Lord so much here. Remember this coffee pot that we filled with flower " crown" bulbs?

"The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed in gladness." Psalm 65:12

"Do not be deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7

"So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good." Genesis 1:21

"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."
2 Peter 1:2
Thank you Abba Father for being Lord of my Life. For loving me so much you that you even shower me with dragonflies to bless me. You've given me so much. A husband to love and cherish. Children to love and adore. Friends old and new. Thank You.
May my life be pleasing to You. May the work of my hands and the love of my heart be used for your glory. I love you Lord with my everything.
Visit Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey for my Thankful Thursday Posts.
Lea...now every time I see a dragonfly I will think of you and your angel mother and I will be kissed!! Thank you for the lovely post, I feel your thankfulness and see it in your lovely surroundings...I hope you have an especially blessed and thankful Thursday...XXOO
Very nice! Loved the photos! I've tried several times today to access your blog and that darn notice kept me from visiting, but I got one now! All is good!
I can't tell you the last time I saw a dragon fly. I love the picture you have posted. How fun!
Blessings ~ Lisa
Loved your post today! So grateful, so neat how you tied in the scriptures.
Hey, Greg C. who linked up early today has a great picture of a dragonfly over on his Thankful Thursday post. "Fly" on over and check it out.
God Bless,
Sonya Lee
Loved your post and photos! What a beautiful garden you have. The photos of the dragon flies are beautiful and I love the scriptures you have used. Excellent.
Love Collette x
We have so many dragonflies! Now I will think of them in a different 'light'...a holy light that says they are special to my new friend.
Bless you, Lea!
You have a unique way of finding things to be thankful for that most of us just take for granted. Thanks for the reminders that we should be thankful not only for the big things but the tiniest of things.
From my heart to yours,
Precious and much life is found here.
Holy Kisses!
Great things indeed Lea. You did a wonderful job of illustrating the verses. Amazing!
You have such a beautiful, and thankful heart. I love you.
Oh Lea, What a joy and an inspiration to read this is!!Utterly delightful and full of the Lord!!SO awesome!!
God has blessed me before with butterflies!! Or as I like to call the flutterbys!! One time as I was driving home on a trip, dozens of flutterbys flew around me even on the interstate!! So cool!! JOY from our loving Lord!!
Hope you have a fantastic Friday, sweetie!!
Love and hugs,
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