Just a quick post today.
Time to start making a stack of turkey sandwiches to take with us to Petit Jean Mt. Myguy has been anticipating this day for weeks. Nothing like a huge carshow to ice his cake for Father's day weekend.
Not only will there be lots of beautiful cars and trucks to look at but miles upon miles of parts... tools.... -- you know; a man's dream come true. Me; ... my thoughts are racing ahead to the funnel cake that has my name on it, the tall glass of real lemonade, and antiques to sift through. Yes, I said antiques! There's always several vendors who bring trailerfulls of beautiful JUNQUE. Olde typewriters, vintage mason jars, olde bottles, boxes of trash to treasure; rusty, crusty, painty, peely, chippy, GOOD OLE JUNK! Can hardly wait to dig in.

joing in any duckling games.

Nope, that's not Queen Anne's Lace... but actually last year's carrots. I just left what Mrs. Potter couldn't eat, in the ground and this year they went to seed.

Okay, I've gotta jet! I hope to have lots of pictures with some wonderful flea market carshow finds! Ok, okay, maybe a few pics of cars n trucks too. Not my thing exactly but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. Me going to a carshow, is sort of like Myguy going with me to Hobby Lobby. BUT seeing that goofy look in his eye when he spots his first shiney 69 chevelle of the day will be worth it. lol
I'll eat a whole funnel cake for you.
Dirty job but someone should do it.
Smoochy holykisses,
OH cute duckies (:) love the scraggy hair'd one ~LOL
Well Lea I hope the cake is delish and you have a fun CAR day ..
Next weekend my brother-in-law and mY sister will be in a car show here in town so I am anxious to see her.. She will come to my house to visit ..since I am still housebound..unless I get brave an go out with some crutches..we'll see..
big hugs,Patty
(GASP) Please think of me when you eat that yummy funnel cake, I had it once a couple years ago and I still dream about it :D
... and oh my, is that duck's hairdo real? I literally cracked up when I saw the poor duck, how hilarious!!
Have fun at the car show and looking at one piece of metal after the next :P I don't get it either LOL
I hope you had lots of fun and got lots of pictures and antiques to bring back.
Enjoy the car show, and stay cool! I love that duck, have never seen one like it, so cute!! I love QAL, I press them and make snowflakes out of them along with jelly, the how to's are on my Herbal Farmstead blog.
Love the hairdo on the duck! Too cute!
Have fun at the car show, Sweetie! I love car shows, too... I LOVE firebirds and camaros- see if you can find me one while you're there, okay? (A '69 convertible!)
LOL....Puddleduck Hairdoo just made my day! I hope you had a great junque filled day at the car show Lovely Lea XXOO
oh, dirty, dirty, dirty JOB with the funnellcake....and my man would be right there with ya!
You are gonna have some treasures, I'm sure of it!
Love ya,
Oh me! With 3 brothers seems we were always at car shows, etc. Myguy :) has a '65 Chevy in the garage (his first car) If you bring yourguy up ...he can touch it :) Heck, tell him to bring a chamois cloth while he's at it...
ANTIQUES???! I like those things! Alot!
That duckie is just hilarious...it is so funny to see myself translated in an animal so exactly ;P
Enjoy the car show sweetie.
Hello Lea; lol I can't help laughing at the photo of the sweet funny little ducky... giggle.. I hope you and hubby have a lovely time at the car show and flea market. Can't wait to see all the photos.. Prayers for a safe trip...
Not so sure about the car show thing, but totally loving the pictures:)
Be blessed! and hugs:)
Hey Girl,
I'm sorry I haven't been by in a while...life has been on the difficult side.
I love the pics!
I can't wait for Zoie to get home from a friend's house so I can show her your duck! What a hoot!
Love ya have a good time at the carshow and by the way I have a great recipe for funnel cake if you ever want to make them yourself!
Oh that hair, I am about to pee my pants....I bet I will be shwoing that pic to everyone I know!! Thanks for leaving me the rambling post, hehehehe.... LOVED it, sometimes I will type a post then I feel bad for going on and on as I ALWAYS do and will delate half of it back out. Now, I think I will leave it!! Thanks for making me feel good about being a rambler. Hope to hear back from you soon, Have a great weekend! tootles, Janna
Just popped over to say hi!!
Love those geese or ducks of whatever they are with the 'hair' problem.
blessings and smiles,
Barbara jean
I love Pudle-duck's *Do*! Ha! That is so cute!
Funnel cake... mmmmm. I hope you enjoyed it!
Sounds like a great day! I would have a good time at a car show, and did you say racing? Oh yeah! :D
CAR Show, yes Love those car shows, when the weather is right, it is just to darn hot here!
We have a 70 chevelle in our garage, all original except the engine, better and faster! and a 87 corvette that is totally re-conditioned and flamed out, we do enter them in care shows, and win trophies on them. they mostly stay in the garage with covers, there antiques and we don't want nothing to happen to them, hahaa
I will get pictures and send them to you oneday!
I love the hairdooooo that's so cool! the picture with them all together and what you said is just adorable.
enjoyed your post, looking forward to seeing the pic's
Have a beautiful day my friend :)
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