These little birdies were hatched under the eaves of our porch.
The verse is a big one for me today because God says in His word "DO NOT FEAR."
If there is anything going on in your life today that you worry about or fear,.... may this verse
remind you that "Dad" tells us not to fear. He loves us and has it all covered.
If you'd like to participate in Word Filled Wednesday; visit e-Lisa at Extravagant Grace.
Wonderful addition! Perfect truth! Thanks for sharing and giving us the perfect illustration for this Word!
How absolutely precious they are. Beautiful photo and awesome Scripture.
My love and prayers are with you dear sister.
Love the verse "Fear Not for we are valuable". That's similar to the verse God gave me before I got so sick and my husband started haviing problems. It was in Chron.
From my heart to yours,
Blessings of joy to you .
Thank you sweet lady for sharing this verse.
I needed a verse to share with a relative facing a tough time and here it is .
God is so good.
His timing as always was perfect .
Thank you for being a wonderful happy messenger of good news today.
Be blessed my blogging friend.
Such beautiful scripture and the sweetest little birds !
Well said!
This is really encouraging. Love your heart.
A precious picture ~ thanks for that Word today ~
sweet babies! i really needed this verse today. I've been having some irrational fears of late. placing them in HIs very capable hands...
Lea, Thanks for coming by my new blog shop, and for your good wishes.
Barbara jean
hi there :)
greetings from Jakarta Indonesia :)
love your post here :) it's nice :)
have a gorgeous day to you :)
So precious sweetie. Praying for you, and loving you.
Hugs :)
Awwwwwwww how cuteddd, wook at those facessss! I Wuv this photo you got, and such a "perfect scripture" to go with it. Great share!
Have a beautiful day my friend :)
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