Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Rainy Day and Random Things I Learned In May

Hi friends, 
Welcome to the marsh.  
Glancing out my window I had to chuckle watching this pullet
walkin  her puddle.  
This is what life looks like to us today.  

Part of my morning was spent finishing up last month's bible study 
and catching up the two days of the new one in the Old Testament.  
I've not been a woman in the word of God faithfully in the past week.
I did take my study book and bible with me on our drive to SD.  
Myguy let me read it out loud while he drove and we had great discussions.  
I love hearing his take and often they're very different from my own.  

When I finished today's reading, I started writing out goals for June 
in my planner.  Thumbing across May's book there were things I didn't accomplish that I really wanted to.  I won't look back any longer but penned it in June's book and will press on.  

Not long ago, I joined 99 walks.  
If you haven't heard of it; every  month you decide a goal for how many miles you will intentionally go walk.  
It's not keeping track of your steps like we do on fitbit, but instead... you intentionally go 
for a walk.  You put your goal in the app and it records your miles.  It also records on 
a little map your trek,  so makes a cute lil design showing where you went. 
If you meet your goal by the end of the month they send you the bracelet of the month.
I have two so far.  The first says something like Jump in the Puddles, 
and the second says Keep growing.  The month of June bracelet will say:  Live Limitless- 
so now I hope I can meet the goal.  Some people write huge goals... they walk a LOT! 
I am trying to be realistic for my age, my hip, and add a couple days not walking in case 
something comes up and I can't.  
Last month I did 31 miles.  

Alright, ... thought I'd share a few things I learned in May before closing the books. 

* I learned what it feels like to get the first of two Moderna vaccine shots in my left arm.  
Along with that I learned how unsettling it is to hear the man giving me the vaccine say that he himself is definitely not getting the vaccine.    
I did kinda want to make a run for it but ... then I looked over at Myguy who 
got his shot right before me.  
"Where you go I go..."

*I learned it can take a long time to get rid of "the crud" and a week losing your voice is 
very quiet.  I missed singing the most. 

*I learned people will literally run away from you if you get a coughing fit inside walmart.
(my sincere apologies people)  

* I learned the increase in minimum wage will just make everything else go up along with it.

*I learned when I commented to someone in Israel when they were being bombed, saying simply that I was praying for them that it can infuriate others.  People who don't even know me spewed 
some very horrible things. 

* I learned we are to love even our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. 

*I learned deep grief from one phone call.  

*I learned when two little boys rush up on a stage and stand beside their emotional Mommy,,, that it will give her the strength to speak up and share her heart. 

*I learned forty years changed the look of things in Rapid City.  Trying to find my old house, and then driving down the street past the houses of my tribe of  friends- so much is different now. The memories are still with me though... some tucked  in my heart forever.   

*I learned I love love love the Chosen series. 
When Jesus called Matthew: 
"Matthew son of Alphaeus!!"
"Follow me." 
It just gets me over and over and over...
I just cry.  
I just cry.  lol
And when Photina says to Jesus,
"I am rejected by others."
He says,  "I know... but 
not by the Messiah." 
I'm totally obsessed yall and can't wait 
for the next episode.  
My all time favorite series 
ever ever ever.

Alright yall, time to lace up my muddy ole Moabs
and get a walk on.  

Until we meet again,




1 comment:

Debbie Nolan said...

Hello friend...I have been catching up on your previous posts. Wow two puppies and both are cuter than cute. Sometimes having a friend helps change an attitude...looks like that may have happened to Rosie. God bless you for not giving up on her. Just like bad company can corrupt good behavior - maybe the opposite is true. Daisy's sweet personality may have done the trick :)!! I am sorry to read about your family loss. It was good you at least was able to go be with loved ones.
I remember being in SD and ND...both are beautiful states. Very different from our Ohio landscape.
Those raised beds look fabulous. Thinking I may show my hubby yours and see if he is up to doing the same for me.
Well take care and thanks for sharing pieces of your life. Hugs!