Monday, May 31, 2021

Tragic Loss and A Daisy

Well as you can see... I got nowhere.  
I am looking into WordPress more... but for the time being... 
we'll just "write" here.  
I'm starting to feel abit like my Mother with 
computers, remote controls... and new fangled gadgets.  
Maybe that's why I have a love for analog?

So I just scrolled down through the Shed awhile.  
So much has changed since I last wrote. 
The baby chicks we had... are almost full grown.  
-Such a  friendly  bunch.  
They get turned out every day and run to greet me when I walk out back.
Can't wait til those big, beautiful eggs start coming.  

The new raised beds I showed before are now  full.  We've had so much rain though
that the tomatoes will soon be doing the backstroke.  
Poor lil things...  First we had that super cold snap and every one of them 
croaked.  Thankfully I had more in the greenhouse that I hadn't planted.  
They're fairing.  

I've been sooo appreciating the new walkways 
that Myguy put down for me out of old conveyer belting.  
They work sooo well and not having to weedeat or till  all that... 
is both lower back and time saving.  

Our little corgi Rosie... has been the hardest puppy we've ever had.  
Her nipping was getting so out of hand and  honestly I was bout at the end of my rope.  
We had her spayed... and hoped she'd start just mellowing out.  
Wrong.  She spent the night at the Vets when she was spayed and 9 days later
she got really sick.  I took her back in and he said it was Bronchitis and put her on 
three medicines. The nipping never got better.  
Around Mother's day... Myguy said we needed another puppy.  Possibly a "different" puppy.  I was sooo torn.  Myguy was so busy with  work ...
and the longing I had to have a dog to cuddle with again... wasn't Rosie.  
Francois and Addie were such companions... this new puppy... -- any time I was with her ...
I ended up bleeding.  Not kidding.  She got to where she would run up behind me too and 
bite in the calf like she would livestock. It sounds funny but ... she could really nip hard.  
I was constantly getting a bandaid.  Soooo... one day when Myguy was home... he started scouring puppy ads.  He found goldendoodles in the newspaper and called about them.  
Next thing I know we are driving to look at them.  I seriously prayed and prayed while 
we drove.  We already had a problem child pup on our hands... and now we are going to 
go look at a goldendoodle... which turns into a big goldendoodle?  We'd already hashed through 
all that.  No more big dogs.  Myguy insisted we go look.  
Yall we get to these peoples house and were greeted by maybe five big golden retrievers.  
The lady was so nice and all her kids were swimming in their inground pool.  Then 
there was this little outbuilding ... with a small pen around it... and ten ... fluffy baby
goldendoodles stood in a row looking at us.    Barkley the daddy golden retriever  of them was loving all over me and off to the side was the 
Momma ... a big cream colored poodle.  Did I mention how fluffy those puppies were?
They were so calm for puppies.  So yummy.  Myguy was smiling from to ear to ear... 
and we both 

fell for this little girl.  She is thee sweetest... calmest... most loving little ball of fluff. 
Myguy dug through his wallet and shelled out what felt like a truck payment.  
And Daisy came home with us.  All the shasta daisies were in full bloom on the road to 
those peoples house.  It felt right.  Daisy.  She was 7 weeks and 6 days old.  
Bringing her home she stayed the same.  She's like sweet tea.  
Rosie is ... well.. unsweetened.  But then... whatever Rosie had... Yep you guessed it... then so did Daisy.  Another trip to the vet. More medicine.  Really seemed more like kennel cough. 
 But thankfully after the last dose of albuterol ... they were healthy again.  

We pretty much had to keep them separated for awhile.  Rosie was as rough on Daisy as she was the rest of us.  We decided to just give it all time and see if Rosie could  grow out of her meangirl thing.  
Myguy thought we needed to find a new home for her.  
Somewhere in all that.. the phone rang and we received terrible news.  
We lost someone in our family tragically.  It still seems kind of surreal?  
We knew we needed to get to South Dakota and so had to take both puppies back to the Vet to be kenneled.  We just hoped and prayed they wouldn't get sick again.  
So we packed our bags and made the 16 hour drive to attend our loved ones funeral.  We 
wish we could have stayed longer but the day after we had to head for home... another 16 hours. 
I tell ya; things sure can change in the blink of an eye.  Our hearts are heavy and it's all on both our minds 
so much.  Life is so very precious.  Love is so very precious.  I know I take both too for granted. 

The day after we got home we went to pick up the girls.  
I don't know what happened there... but some thing. 
 ... changed. 
 It's like her switch flipped.   

So here we are.  
A family of four again.  
Not one band aid.  

I didn't take very many photos when we were on our trip.
But this fencerow for some reason got me and I had to stop and roll down my window for a moment.    The wind was blowing so strong 
and beautiful grasses waving in the breeze.  
My thoughts were of him.  

Well... I better sign off... I've been staring at this screen and 
remembering for far too long.  
It's time to fire up the grill and throw a couple burgers, potatoes and 
summer squash on.  

Until we meet again, 




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