Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Hook, Line and Sinker

It's so peaceful to end an evening listening to bullfrogs, and mockingbirds.  
The actual fishing wasn't all that great- but doesn't always need to be.  
Often the best part is the sky... the clouds... and the peace of it all.
Even still; I think I caught 5 bass. 
One  broke my line, and then I lost my next  
on the old log that I know better than to get too close to. 
I swear Grandaddy Bass takes my line and just goes to swimming round n round  the log
and then spits my worm and hook out; laughin all the way.  I lost it all 
hook, line, sinker, ... oh and my bobber too.
Lookin through my little orange tackle box; I found the crawdad Trent 
left me.  I hesitated to put it on coz it's special to me.  Not only that but my knots aren't 
the best.  You know what they say: 
Can't tie a knot...
Tie ALOT.  
So I did. 
Least I didn't lose it.  
Didn't get a bite on it either.  
But hopefully there will be another day soon.  

Micah 6:8 keeps coming to me over and over. 
I made this scripture picture to remember it all by...
If you like it ... as always feel free to use and share it. 
Thanks for droppin by the shed.  
Until we meet again



Jean said...

End of an evening is peaceful. We are having beautiful sunsets and last night after a very warm sunny day and the sun was dipping down, I saw part of a rainbow. it was amazing seeing all the colours.

Thank you for the Scripture. Walking humbly with our God. <(((><

Anonymous said...

Hello Leaon!
Checking in on my Country
Mouse in Arkansas! Up here on
Long Island we are in the midst
of a stifling heat wave! I stay in
and today I am drinking tea from
my lovely cup as I clear and clean
my desk to welcome July.
You are no the only one who gained
weight in this pandemic! Be as gentle
to yourself as you are to us, dear
followers of your blog.
❤️City Mouse

Debbie Nolan said...

Hi - looks like you are enjoying the summer and the fishin! Love that scripture as well. Take care and have a lovely 4th of July. Hugs!

Leaon Mary said...

Jean I am sooo thrilled you got to see a rainbow... doesn't that just give you goosebumps to see one? Does me every time.
Thanks for visiting!

City mouse... I hope your heat wave has settled down! I've heard parts of the country are having crazy heat. Stay cool sippin that tea... and thanks for love over the weight gain. Man it's hard to lose weight isnt it? I probably wouldn't worry about it other than my dang hip. I wanna keep going long as I can! Thanks for visiting... !

Debbie... hope all is well in your neck of the woods... it was sooo nice seeing your voice today... thanks for visiting!