Friday, July 17, 2020

Counting the Gifts...This Friyay


Hey friends!
It's Fri-yay! 
Feels like it too in every which way!

This photo was in my memories today.  
It still gets me.  Where does the time go yall? 
My baby boys are all grown up into big strappin menfolk now.  
So today, I begin  counting  gratitudes with these three.

Thanks God for givin me a family to love and not only that but 
that they daily love me too.  I can even feel it! 
I always dreamed to get to be a wife and Mama.  
Back when other kids were reaching for the stars on career day at school;
my dream was to have a real family... 
You, O God gave me my desire .. real Stars and
 they call me Dollface, and  Mama. 
I'm so thankful for getting to raise these arrows.  

for: celebrating both our boys birthdays this week. 
And how the memories flood every year..
....Remembering how their stories began...
The miracle of watching my belly grow ...and stretch .. and the beauty of giving birth... that feeling like it was  gonna kill me with every contraction ... 
but the moment they came out and were placed across my chest... 
this love... just gushed from my  heart... this beautiful thrumming love and in one split 
second the little girl in me became  a fierce Mother Lion who would die to protect her cubs ...forever.
Thank you God for this blessing of motherhood.

Thank You for the first cup... and second... and third...
so frothy... thank you stevia and fat free milk... 
Didn't think i could ever love coffee without creamer... 
but once again... i was wrong. 

... for safety for Myguy when he's been traveling back n forth on jobs.  
every day... i pray a hedge around him and his big truck. 
Thank you God for bringing him home to me safe.   

... for faith in all this covid stuff with our business....  
and Cora's echo...Now faith Lea... that I can still hear her chanting often  in my ear..
"now" faith.  
I know it's the substance God...  of things I'm hopin for
and the evidence of things I can't see.  
You are in control.  

... for the covenant  that we are one and
 if it happens to you..
it happens to me.  
I feel stronger.  

... for wind on a hot day... that breeze... is a reprieve.  

... sharing a charcuterie board with little Francois... 
What a sweet joy... my companero. 

for strength to get up n down off a chair and ladder a hundred times painting...
and this one ole rusty  hip... didn't quibble too bad.  
I'm sooo thankful.
 In You I live and move and have my being. 


for an extrovert yellow swallowtail who
 let me have a photo shoot with her. 
Nature is so amazing!
Thank you God for sooooooooo many artistic things I get to enjoy
and my eyes to see it all.  

... for making my birthday boys their treats: Tony: scotcheroos and just now a strawberry cheesecake dessert
for Trento ...
and ...praying  prayers inside. 
They'll never know... 
but I know You heard God.  
Bless them and keep them Heavenly Father.. I know You love them even more than me.  

For: my  friend who told me this past week that she'd been crying and 
when I asked her why she said for you... missing your Addie.  
my heart... did somersaults that i get to have  a friend in  her.  
Thank You God. 

... and a sympathy card yesterday from another friend coz she knew 
how much a part of my life that little black dog was to me.  
Thank you God for luscious friendships... that care like these.

For the Formed app that has blessed my peapickin heart and 
the gift i know it is for me.  
Thanks God.  

For the big ole thunderclouds high in the sky today...
they're so beautiful!!!!!!!!!!... 

For this olde farmhouse that i get to live in and tend to... 
This place to call home sweet home.  
Thank you God for all these things and so much more...
thank you for my every thing. 


Jean said...

Good day Lea, what a beautiful photo at the beginning of your post!!!

I agree, the time sure does fly by and especially when you look back at photos... just seems like yesterday. Been looking thru some family photos too as one of my cousin's in Ireland was asking if I had any of her Mum when she was young.

I am happy little Francois is feeling a bit better.

The swallowtail is a work of art, so gentle and the colours!!!

Thank you for sharing and for the photos and the special birthday boys' :)

Thank you for the Blessings and Joy that you bring. <*)))><

Unknown said...

Your such a good momma.... I bet your boys will love your treats!
Your words today are awesomely luscious... With a side of relish covered in tomato sauce.

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Jeanie...
I hope you found some photos to share with your cousin! Looking through the old black and white ones are my favorites... and funny how the time flies when you go through a stash of old memories like that.
Thank you for visiting me...

Leaon Mary said...

Unknown person... thank you for your encouragement!! I try to be a good Momma... and am so blessed to get to be that to them.
You cracked me up with your luscious relish .... I will have to continue to slather our new words within these posts... the saga continues! Thanks for visiting.