Friday, July 10, 2020

A Few Small Things and Scripture Picture

A few small things from my week that brought joy
and made me smile... 

... the very first ripe peaches from 
Blakelea's tree.  
This special tree was planted 
for our grandgirl after she was born. 

 Walking past moss roses and seeing 
this  gold star.  

 Smelling a wafty, sweet perfume and 
discovering it's the stargazer lilies... blooming their purdy lil heads off.
-Another gift that Trent gave me long, long ago. 
 Watering and turning free our incarcerated pumpkin plants... 
Seeing these big strong leaves; I can already taste 
the punkin pie and bread.  

 doorknobs n bloomstiks.  
I had  never grown this type of sunflower before;
it was a seed pack gift from a friend! 

 And then there is 
Eeeeek... I lovelovelove finding hearts in nature.  
If you make it bigger you can even see the cute lil nibbles.
After putting the chickens to bed last night I was walking through 
the garden back to the house and leaving the raspberry isle it registered 
what I'd just seen.  I turned around and sure enough... 
a critter chewed the cutest heart.  
I ran inside to find my phone and went back to get the photo before
something messed it up. haha  
When I got back inside I thought, "Now whyyy did I just leave it there?
So I went back again and carefully grabbed the cluster and 
put it safely inside a book to dry.  

When the day comes that I want to use it for a stencil... but ...I can't remember 
where my safe place was...
could someone please remind me that it's in the old Draper's Self Culture book
on page: 211?  lol  

I sign off tonight with a scripture picture made using the 
strawberry jar from my sweet Mama.  
"But now, O LORD, you re our Father; we are the clay, and You are our Potter; we are all the work of Your hand."  Isaiah 64:8 
Feel free to use and share it if you like... 


Terra said...

You found some sweet hearts in nature, a little critter even nibbled one on a leaf for you.

Jean said...

Hi Lea, what a lovely glimpse into your garden and all that is happening there with the fresh peaches, the gorgeous lilies and pumpkins growing well and I hadn't heard of doorknobs n bloomstiks but I would want to grow it just for the name, I love the colours.

What a find!! a heart in the leaf as if made specially for you...and that you get to keep were meant to walk down through those raspberries, I can imagine your delight...truly!!

Thank you for the Scripture picture....the work of His hand.. Blessings

Debra said...

I have a heart in a leaf too-
Beautiful Scripture picture!

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Terra! Yes! That was a sweet find!!

Jeanie.. I can't remember the actual name of the sunflowers... I'll see if I saved the packet.
Thanks for sharing in life today.. yes to the work of His hand!

Debra!.. I love that you saved a heart leaf too!