Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Hump Day

Good mornin friends,

Just a quick post to say hey... 
and to clarify something a little too. 
Yesterday I shared what I'm reading and someone contacted me  and 
expressed concern over the Enneagram.  I know there is controversy 
over it and would never want to steer someone off in a wrong way. 
 --I have started the second book but I can promise you there have been 
times that if as I'm reading something ... it gets weird or 
I find something is totally off- I've quit reading and said forget that. 
In the same way; I've gotten up and walked out of movies before too.  
One time we had houseguests and someone started a movie for us to watch.  
and I felt convicted watching it ... knew I didn't need to see that.  
I got up and walked off... leaving everyone else sitting there watching it.
My conviction wasn't theirs.  
But I do thank the one who contacted me wanting to look out for me.  
You're awesome like that.  And I love ya.  
I am going to keep reading the second book to see for myself what I think
of the christian perspective of it.  If as I go along I don't like it...
I'll move onto something else. 
I've started and not finished several books... so we'll see? 

Well I have a big day today.  
I better get a move on... 
One more thing just remembered I wanted to share.
My little guy Francois! 
I gave him a bath this weekend and discovered he  has another huge 
mass on his underside.  I don't know how I haven't  felt it or ...
did it come up that fast?  He just had a big thing cut off him 
not that long ago.  I showed Myguy and he just shook his head sadly.  
Wasn't I saying just the other day I noticed Francois moving along slower? 
No wonder ...   I feel so bad for him.  Don't think he got snake bit. It doesn't look
anything like that?  
We decided to not take him to the vet this time.  He went through so much with that 
last surgery.  So long as he doesn't act like he's in a lot of pain... we're just gonna
love on him and enjoy every moment we get to have him.  
I know you dog lovers understand. It's hard when our furbabies 
get old and start going downhill.  
Okay I have gotta get movin....
Until we meet again...



Artful Gathering said...

Dear Lea.
I agree with you philosophy regarding movies and books. We need to always be cautious and prepared. If it isn’t Godly we need to remove ourselves. It ain’t always easy.
Sorry to hear about your baby. I will keep him in my thoughts and prayers.

Leaon Mary said...

It can be kinda awkward sometimes but yeah there's stuff I don't want in my head anymore..
Thank you about Francois... today is even different from yesterday. :(