Saturday, August 22, 2020

An Open Heart

Sometimes it's easy for me to focus on all the bad stuff going on around me. 
The world's such a hard place these days.  
There's so much  pain, suffering, hatred, fighting..worries ... 
It can rub deep in this heart of mine and I stew over problems.  I worry.
  But my perspective shifted one day when I tuned out the world and mess of it all and just turned up my radio.  K-love blared loud over the car stereo wired up to a  battery on the work bench.
I could hear it above my sander... and even the noisy chickenhouse fan that kept me from flatout melting.  
It felt good to sing.

"This is the air I breathe... "
this is thee air I breathe... 
Your holy presence...
living ...
in me.
This is my daily bread.. this is my  daily bread... Your very Word..
spoken to me.  
And Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... I'm desperate for You...
And Iiiiiiiiiii I'm lost without You... 
Those lyrics... raised loud and high??... 
There's no covid can touch any of that.  
It just can't ... no matter what.  
Sometimes I forget and let the cares of this life 
bog me down.  
You know how the Word says Lydia first worshipped and 
 God opened her heart? 
I was sanding Myguy's dresser and had to change the paper often.
I felt it snag on something and turning it over saw this hole. 
It didn't seem big enough to change so I started up again... but then it dawned on me 
what I'd  just seen.  
An opened heart.  



Jean said...

A heart in the paper Lea, what a find!!! That was a message, surely....awww

It is hard going these days but we have our Saviour helping us through. Thank you Lord.

Blessings and Joy

Leaon Mary said...

Jean it sure is easy to focus on the bad stuff for me... then fear happens