Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The Latest Scoop and Why God?

 Hi friends, 
I can't believe it's Tuesday already... things 
have been kinda hectic.  
 Myguy got our load of wood the other day.  
 This is our new ceiling.  
Can you picture it?  
Then it came time to start ripping out the bathroom carpeting 
so we could get our old pedestal sink out and a new vanity put in 
before the carpet layers come in a couple weeks.  
Our Lowes didn't have any big vanities in stock so we had to drive to Conway. 

With all the running we had to do it sure helps not wearing glasses 
with a mask for me!  I can't handle wearing contacts any longer than I have to tho.
It's weird seeing myself without glasses after all these years..
 all I see is wrinkles! ha 

We finally found the last white 60" vanity... and got it home.
Plus picked out the faucets and the top on a different day.  
Myguy was workin on all that and the plumbing so.... 
 I got to go pick up this pipsqueak and she wanted to spend the night with us.  
She likes to come to the farm and play with all the critters.  
And of course we love havin her.  
Francois seems happy with all the extra attention too.  
 That evening she and I went for a walk.  It was really hot.  
I mean hot.  We got to about here and she whined, "Grammy.. will
you carry me... I'm hot."  I told her I could for a little while but it's 
all up hill to the house... don't think I'll ever  make it." lolol  

I had been tellin her on our walk that God made every thing. 
 Then we did a run down of what we could see.. and she was helping...
God made... Spirit... and then she said Violet... and we went through all the animals... 
and the trees... and grass... and you know; I'm huffing and puffing... 
Then I had to step around  this huge ant pile.  I said, "We'll have to ask God 
why he made ants!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  
With no warning ... she's still up in my arms... her head 
by my head and she SCREAMS.... up into the sky...
"GOD WHY YOU MAKE ANTS???!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I bout jumped plumb out of my sneakers.  Omgosh....
She told me you have to ask him loud Grammy so he can hear you. 
lolol  We'll save that next chat how God is with us and can hear us for another day ... but 
"Yes God... why you make ants? "  haha 

You know... I think this may be  thee number one difference I've found so far
between little boys and little girls.  
Girls scream
 a lot.  
 do not.  
I'm still not quite used to that.  
Especially when they're excited... girls scream with happydelight. 
High pitched. Still cracks me up.   
lol  anyways.. It was hilarious and I want to remember all this in  her little book.  
God why you make ants?!!!!!!   
 Meanwhile back in the bathroom... 
poor Myguy. lol  
He had to cut out some sheet rock that had tile on it.  
Then put more sheetrock up and puttied it ... 
Had wrong fittings.. oh and 
when he pulled the carpet out discovered  very rotted wood around the bathtub from 
getting wet around the shower curtain.  
So now he has to cut the floor out and replace it ... and he said while he's at it 
he wants to  take out the shower and get a new one.  
The snowball .. is it affect or effect?... I always forget which one.   
Do over... the snowball thing. 
 He got the vanity in and then started putting all these little boards up that you have to do so you have something to nail the other ones to.  
It's very....... time consuming... 
But I'm cheering for him... 
Go Big Daddy! ... 
I'll help when I can... 
Mostly tho... I'm cheering and telling him how dang
goooood he looks up on that ladder... and 
MMmMmmm mmmm Mmmmmm!... 
You know... all that stuff... and everything... 
and what have you...  

--- This is how far he's gotten so far.... 
We aren't going to paint or stain it ... least for now.  
We both like it just the way it is.  
It's kind of dark in the room for this photo but you can kind of tell here what the sterling white paint  looks like 
with the new wood.  The color has a slight bluish gray tinge to it.  
I'm hoping when it's done it will all look very natural ... simple colors of nature.. 
-this white looks like the sky to me.  We'll see. 
Hope it all turns out.   
 It is  so dry here now.  
Our garden has been finished up on my Mom's spot... and 
the only thing left there: tomatoes.  
Same for down at our house... but we have tomato plants that are just starting 
to make here; so hopefully they'll go on awhile.   It's so hot though;  you have to water like crazy. 
The flowers are winding down and I'll save what seed I can.  
What makes it makes it... 
If it don't it don't. 
Grasshoppers are starting to get thick.

Well friends... that's the lastest scoop 
in our neck of the woods. 
Thanks for visiting the shed!!!... 
Stay safe and well.. 


Terra said...

I can imagine you jumped when she shrieked in your ear, her question to God. Kind of sweet. That is a big bathroom do over, a lot of work.

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Terra... Yeah.. kids sure do or say the funniest things. I guess I forget?... it's been so long since our boys were little rascals... and now that I'm older everything seems so funny to me? Yeah I hope things go okay and he can get the biggest part of stuff done before the carpet guys come... guess it was good though to find the rotting stuff before it became a bigger issue. Thanks for visiting me!!! Lea

Jean said...

Hi Lea, wow!! a lotta work indeed...I am sure you'll be glad when it's finished. I am sure it will be worth it though. We just have painted the kitchen, well, not me, but I still haven't put anything back in, like pictures or anything and can't decide on an accent colour to go with the white.

I did smile when you said about Blakelea screaming, I used to find that too when I was helping out at church...it was the Boys' Brigade juniors I helped with and they were fine but I used to hear the excited high pitched screams coming from the next hall when it was Brownie night eeek!!! It was still so sweet to hear though how her little mind thought about shouting out her question to God about the ants. She is a treasure.

Thank you for sharing your days. God Bless