Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Journal Prompts, And A Peek Inside

Morning Pages 
in:  Dear Emily, 

Journal Prompt:  
Who in the bible do you find you are 
drawn to or connect with the most.... (other than Jesus) 
I heard this question asked in two other places recently so  I'm
sharing it here and actually wrote
about it in my own book.  

I  have two or three people .. but 
  I'm most drawn to Mary of Bethany.
Sister to Martha and who was ridiculed to Jesus 
for not helping her sister.  I love how Jesus stood up for her and told  Martha 
that Mary chose the better part.  
Later she is also the one who poured expensive perfume
on Jesus feet and wiped it with her hair.  
There again she was ridiculed for doing that as well. 
It doesn't say she tried to defend herself to anyone...  
but Jesus stood up for her both times.  
I love that and think of it often. 
 Why has it taken me
decades to fully learn that?
Every time I read those stories of Mary of Bethany  I feel 
I want to know her more.  

Okay ... so who are yours?  
Who are you drawn to or connect with? 
It can be male or female. I won't add my other two yet but 
maybe in time I will.  

Thought for fun I'd share a few more photos of things I 
write daily.  This is my faith journal in a moleskine planner. 
Every day I write one verse that stood out to me.  Sometimes if something else
comes up I'll write an encouragment or a word.. but usually it's one scripture.
Also every week there is one whole page that is just lined and I write other things like:
something I'm struggling with, or a cool way I felt God's presence or 
questions I have etc.  -- I also tip things in like this old photo of the Catholic church that I was confirmed in.  My friend Susie's Mom said the newer part of the church is built around this one.  I never knew that back then!   (I hope to go back  someday)
I'm sharing this spread on purpose because of how imperfect it all is.  Yet... I still love it.  
Two different inks... and jacked up washi taped edges... ohwell.  
It's okay.  Most people don't see inside your journals and it's "your" journal.  A place to get messy... be your true self and document real life; which is ... imperfect.  

Gotta share this cool ink ... it's the green you see in the pic above this one.  
Just discovered it a few months ago at Vanness Pen Shop  in Little Rock.  Pre-covid. Well no;
not pre covid but ... relatively a new thing.  
If you've never heard of it; check them out online.  I think I got this twsbi pen there too.  
It's a stub nib I believe ... bigger than I usually get and I love it.  
I'm sharing the ink because it doesn't move all over when you watercolor over the top of it...
you can see that in a photo further down.   
If you look for it online you will definitely want to search this Rohrer & Klingner if I remember right.
Otherwise you'll have a heck of a time likely.  They have several colors... and are 
kind of addicting. I keep a few in matching colored twsbis to write and sketch with.  
This is my daily tn that I just write a few to do's and document ordinary life.  
 I'm bad at forgetting stuff if I don't write it down.  For instance; little things that 
I want to do... especially for Myguy.  Like.. he always comments when he comes home
and the house smells really good... - or if there's  alot of candles lit... etc.  He appreciates that kind of thing and I think it's welcoming.  So when I really want to make sure it happens I jot it down then I'm more likely to remember and have it done before  he walks through the door.  
Sometimes I have all white pages and just write about my days... but I like splotches of color more and that's why I love watercolors so much.   On this page; I documented the black eyed susies, and the zinnia about to bloom and those dangly leaves from one of the last posts.  ... Whatever stands out from the day..  if I see a cute critter or sunset... whatever the case... it's just fun to do a rough sketch and then throw some color on it.  Then you can write all around it, over it... no rules... and it's just fun.  

The other side of my page is  for my daily examen and I don't fill it up in until bedtime.  
It's one of my favorite things to write about.  Sometimes I prepare pages ahead of time but 
don't fill anything in until the end of the day.  
Today I pulled out some of my acrylic stamps that I haven't been using enough. 
The Progress not perfection is in the set.  I think it's my favorite. 
Didn't even remember I had it. 

This set came from the Ali Edwards site I believe.   

This is a tip in I added over the written portion of last night's examen  page.  
Sometimes I do that too.  Yesterday my girls came out for awhile.
They brought me this dragonfly necklace... so I snapped a photo of it on my neck
and snipped what it said off the packaging to add to this page to remember it always.  

Alright yall, I better go put the chickens to bed.    
Have a beautiful evening, Lea


Debbie Nolan said...

Ah someone else who keeps a journal. I have prayer journals and also been keeping a gratitude one as well. Love your green ink and such a lovely addition to just writing by including watercolors as a backdrop to your words. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a blessed evening. Hugs!

Dianne said...

You are an amazing woman! So creative, so spiritual, so down to earth!!! I want to be your neighbor.

Jean said...

Good morning Lea, been thinking about that question and I can't think who I am drawn to but I always love that Mary couldn't wait to get to the tomb early while it was still dark and yet in Mark's gospel it says Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices...don't hear about Salome in the other gospels. I wonder who she was. I too love how Jesus always spoke kindly to the women he met. There must be so many women whom he encountered but we don't hear about.

Your necklace is beautiful with the dragonfly...what a treasure.

I am glad you are enjoying being in your journal and finding words of encouragement from His Word. Love your sketches of the flowers. Thank you for sharing it....

Thank you for my visit. Have a blessed day. xoxo

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Debbie! Thank you ... we share so many things we both do!
I look forward to seeing more of your art as well!

Leaon Mary said...

Hi Dianne, Oh goodness you are way too kind! I'm a genuine down to earth mess. :) If you were my neighbor you would have zucchini! lol

Leaon Mary said...

Jean, I absolutely love the name Salome... and honestly when I read the four gospels I sometimes get confused by the three mary's. I love how one is referred to as thee OTHER MARY. i seriously love that...