Friday, September 16, 2016

The Art Of Giving Thanks

 While writing this week, I realized it'd been awhile since I last recorded blessings.
-- Here are a recorded few.... 
Thanks God for the loves in my life.  
For the Son who text:   I love you Mom.  
And the other one who comes up to the house for ice on his break and didn't leave 
without leaving a kiss on his Mommas graying  head.  
For a husband who listened  and holds tight.  
For a house:  comfy and dry.  
For a full tank and her invitation to "Drive over."
For the first real not gas smile from a grandgirl even if no one but me and You saw it.  

 For words of love that communicate... inspire, 
and bring Life and encouragement. 
Even in song. 

 For spaghetti and breaking bread together.
For the elephant chair and surprise email from JL
that "cozy is good, don't change a thing."  Her sharing of her own home
and that really it's the living what's important not near as much: the settings.
Good advice and kindness....  
 And for ole Dottie the granddog who's shadow to her Momma 
and Blakelea's sweet n gentle friend.  
So many gifts ... enjoyed.
I'm signing off early.  
It's storming here... but I leave with a scripture picture.
This is my African violet in natural morning light.  
In the morning, LORD, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.  Psalm 5:3


Unknown said...

Recording and sharing blessings is a mighty way to start the day. Oh and I love Dottie!!!

Sending some Scottish Autumnal sunshine....last night the most beautiful Harvest moon was shining on the farmers and their combines "bringing in the sheaves."

So Blessed.

Rebecca said...

You definitely have an "artful" way of giving thanks!
(I'm far less creative but probably no less thankful....."
The Lord has been SO good to us, hasn't He?

Artful Gathering said...

Lovely post Lea. You are So blessed and so many things to be thankful for.