So many simple joys were found and felt in this day.
... Wearing layers because of the "cold front."
A chilly breeze that spurred wind chimes into song all afternoon.
The scent of good ole fresh and clean after the rain showers.
This piece of sky; ... blue as ever.
Our oldest manchild who looked up and said, "I love ya Momma." --
Then that Strongheart hug that squeezed so tight.
Mixing a batch of chocolate chip cookies for a herd of teenage boys I've never met
and baking prayers and love inside.
... Hearing one of my oldest and dearest friends say over the phone;
she's going to church now. {{{heart}}}
Catching up on podcasts that encouraged my heart.
Discovering a book that even the title "Wasting Time With God"- had me thinking about Him
much of the day.
-- A surprise visit by a new friend and our walk around the place coz she just loves
chickens and gardening.
Starting bags and boxes to donate beginning with 25 things... and then 25 more and so on.
Reading a post that made tears fall....asking "What would you like to say to your Mother?"
The Light and how it kept shining long enough through the greenhouse
for me to get my phone and take
today's scripture picture.
-- It's late and time to sign off.
Myguy and I have an early morning appt for health screenings tomorrow for our insurance.
Last time we had a friendly wager over who's cholesterol was lower.
He... won;
thought I'd never hear the end of it!!!!! (ha)
Gnight everyone,
sweet dreams.
YOU are one of my Friday Joys, Lea ('cept I read this on Saturday morning....)
Don't know why, but spending these "lines" with you made me think of a song from my childhood.....♪Open Up Your Heart and Let the Sun Shine In♪
Have you ever heard it?
I am so glad I popped into the shed for a visit Lea and am thankful I did. I love that you are having family days. Those chocolate chip cookies sound great. Bless you. Jx
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