Friday, April 4, 2014

The Dots Connecting and Scripture Picture

 Things change moment by moment
and we don't always know what
God's up to-
It's sure exciting though when something happens
right out of your ordinary- 

I'm pondering this morning a recent eagle encounter.
We don't get to see bald eagles very often at our house-
but recently one flew over me very low while I was 
standing outside of our shop.  
It came flying towards me ... and 
we looked right at eachother.
It was anything but
More like... OMG!!!
Never in my life had I made eye contact
with a bald eagle.  

 A few days later 
I was walking on our place and I can't even remember now
where I saw it but this feather was in my path.
I took a picture of it 
counting it as one of my gifts of the day.  
Realizing I had never seen one like it ... 
I asked friends on facebook if anyone knew what kind of bird it 
was from...
One friend added a photo of bald eagle feathers 
and they were identical.  
Another friend is a mountain man and he too
confirmed it.  
eagle feather.  
I wonder ...
could it be from 
"my" eagle?  
The one who flew over 
just days earlier and who
I painted into my art journal with
the EYE looking at me?
Gives me goosebumps.
-Goosebumps because that day I felt God telling me
to trust Him.  
I felt so much love that day.
Looking back through my journals 
I see so many dots connecting.
People connections.
Love connections.
 The more love
and love more
 Walking across the pastures not long ago I saw a rock
that appeared to have  a heart inside.
Carrying it home 
I took a hammer and 
started chipping the rough edges away.....
Love does  that too... doesn't it?
It even covers a multitude of sins.

My anchor verse for 2014
tells  me that God gives new hearts too. 

It really is 
all about the love.


Patty Sumner said...

Just beautiful Lea!!! Such encouragement for me today.. I love that as the Father looks past our heart of stone you could see the heart in the midst of the stone.. such wonderful life analogies that teach us the truth of the Word.. I believe Jesus was the perfect example of how to take an everyday life experience to teach the truth... You just did that for me... Thanks.. Blessings!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely feather Lea, amazing to think it could have come from your eagle (it surely was). It is tingling when things like that happen, just reminding us that our Lord is with us ALWAYS..
God Bless

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I love those moments when we see the dots beginning to connect and we see something that we didn't see before. Makes me think of those little books we had as kids with all those "connect-the-dots" and if we did it correctly, it would make a character or a shape. Our God is so inventive and creative in the ways He teaches us stuff. And believe me, there is something about eagles and the depths of our souls. I can't explain it, but every time I see one, it grabs at my soul, too. So glad you had that "chance" meeting, Lea! You won't ever forget it!!!

Unknown said...

That's so cool!!! I just love how these things happen to you, to lift us and inspire so many! True gifts! As you are too my friend! Thanks for sharing!

sweetvintageofmine said...

What an awesome experience to view an Eagle eye to eye! They are such a fantastic creation from God....those who wait upon the Lord will renew their strength as Eagles...........And I love your heart rock.......Heart Love and Warrior Strength~~~Blessings~~~Roxie

Dee said...

I am so happy you share what you see and experience with is so inspiring...helps keep my eyes open for the connecting dots. :)

Dee said...

I am so happy you share what you see and experience with is so inspiring...helps keep my eyes open for the connecting dots. :)

Denise said...

Beyond lovely, just like you my friend.

Paula said...

So sweet to see the watercan at the ole potting shed!
Isn't God's dots grand!???

Beehind Thyme said...

Absolutely JUST what I have needed, dear friend! You are TRULY an inspiration & a SWEET blessing to each one that encounters your soul!

THANK YOU, for sharing...
Pamela, from Kentucky!