It's a beautiful Autumn day!
Let's go for a little walk....
First stop.. a shabby olde potting shed.
We need to fill all the bird feeders.
Sparrows and little wrens love their black sunflower seeds!
.... now to tidy up abit.
and write the verse of the day.
Hello Owl.
Hello Butterfly...
It looks like the bottle tree's leaning a little to the left?
The antique lavender glass does seem to be turning a deeper purple color.
-- thankyou Sunshine!
The Debra-dear tree is now settled in!
Thank you Debra dear!
.... Get your fennel-fix Mr. Caterpiller.
You'll need your strength for a long winter's transformation.
The birds have almost wiped out all the sunflowers now.
This one had a red wing black bird on it when we walked up.
Did you happen to see it?
Here's one of the baby grasses.
She's finally all happy and
growing again.
Okay, let's head to the barn now....
Francois and Addiedoodle beat us there.
Say Cheese!
You're such good little friends.
Did you hear "Surprise?"
I know it's a funny name, but he was thee extra
surprise chick in the last batch we bought.
He has quite a crow doesn't he?
You gotta watch Lucille.
She tries to sneak out the door if you open it too wide.
Alright let's go to the woods....
We don't have orange vests on...
But there's No Hunting here.
Let's make some noise while we walk anyways...
Well look who's down here.
Hello Spirit.
Hey Bleu!
I think I see Gracie off behind him grazing in the meadow grass.
How are you today Miss Violet?
... Looks like something has been rubbing on this little tree.
We better keep our eyes open!
You never know???
Everyone's saying the persimmon seeds are full of spoons this year.
Spoons as in: gonna have to dig out this Winter!
... Wouldn't that be nice?
Guess we should head back...
We'll go further another day....
... Well there's my handsome fella.
He's hitching up the olde scrap trailer.
I don't think he knows I'm taking his picture...
(But I love him)
.... Let's keep goin.
See ya chickies....
Hang on a second,
I wanna grab that cool messed up feather.
I love it!
Time to get some supper started....
Gotta put a big pot of frito chili pie on.
I had a wonderful walk!
Thanks for coming along...
Sure was fun strollin' with you, Lea! I just ♥ that potting shed. Would love to hang out longer.....
Oh my Lea, I enjoyed this stroll with you today, beginning at the shed and every step was like a warm hug with so much to see. I've been using a relaxation disc and one of the things is to imagine a place where you are happy and I can just visualise being there with you dear friend. Those two cuties sitting on the hay bales, the animals and trees, everything! I could hang out all day. Then coming back and seeing the colourful porch with the big orange pumpkin. Does one's heart good. As always, Lea, thank you for sharing. Jx
What a beautiful stroll ---- I really felt I was there, Lea! I just love the fall -- the inbetween of the beauty of summer blooms, births, butterflies, etc., and the cold brisk air of winter. So much color going on, isn't there???? Loved meeting all the farm residents, too. Wish I coulda walked with you!!!!
Loved our walk around around Star Farms and the Shabby Olde Potting Shed! It was a beauuutiful fall day..wasn't it? It was good for the soul! And frito chili pie will be a perfect ending to our day!! ;) until we meet again my friend.......
I just LOVE your place, Lea!! Sweet house, your garden potting shed, your garden art and ALL of those precious animal friends! Beautiful land all around you and family....what a blessing! I enjoyed my walk with you at your homestead! Blessings and Jesus is coming soon! Roxie
What beautiful Fall love.
I so love visiting you.
You too shine with HIS LOVE!
WOolie JOYFUL Blessings
It felt like I was really there, walking besides you! I LOVE the glass house, and the photo of blue drinking from the pond, is precious!!! I'm all smiles here!!
This walk was the most fun!!! I enjoyed every "step". Thanks so much for sharing! What a fantastic blog!!
Cor's Sis
The stroll was lovely, thank you :). It felt like I was really walking beside you, though I live on the other side of the planet from you. It's a blessing ~ all the beautiful places and gifts.
The stroll was lovely, thank you :). It felt just like I was walking right beside you, although I live on the other side of the planet from you. It's a true blessing ~ all those beautiful places and gifts!
I love your photos and it looks like you are living the dream. Your porch is beyond amazing with such love and character oozing from every board. The donkeys are precious.
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