Thursday, August 15, 2013


Sunday afternoon I asked Myguy if he wanted to watch a show.
Nodding "yes" ... I pulled him out back- to the potting shed.
"You have to see this," I told him.
Sitting in thee olde metal lawn chairs; we didn't have to wait long
when a hummer zoomed past his head; barely missing him. 
Soon  came another... and another... and more.
By now we were counting 8-10 at a time.
The star of the show: was Olde Ruby perched here
on the welcome sign.  He flew his tiny body like
a B52 Bomber, chasing away every other hummer who dared come near
the feeders. 
We sat watching  in the hot sun until we started to melt;
then decided to drive down the road to the slough.
--Such a beautiful day!
As we passed this county road,
Myguy noticed this wasper nest.
I stayed in the Jeep; 
 he got out to 
get a closeup shot on his phone.  
He later found out he'd picked up a mess of seed ticks.
and he's  still itchin like crazy; 
Poor guy!  
I don't know what's worse... seed ticks or chiggers.
It's a toss up. 

This is what greeted us at the water.
Lilypads everywhere!
We'd brought a 5 gallon bucket along,
as I'd been wanting to pull up a couple lilies to carry home 
and plant in a water trough at the garden.
Unfortunately they kept breaking off when we tried to pull on em.
-And after seeing a water moccasin swimming around; neither of us cared to
wade in  and dig in the mud.
I did wish we'd have brought the kayaks though.
It would have been a perfect afternoon  to paddle around.

Dragonflies kept  landing  on the dock all around us.  
This one became today's scripture picture.
"My brethren, count it all joy 
when you fall into various trials, 
knowing that the testing of your faith
produces patience.  But let 
patience have its perfect work,
that you may be perfect and complete,
lacking nothing."  
James 1:2-4


Cora from Hidden Riches said...

So glad you didn't go wading with the water moccasins, Lea!!!!! But water lilies would have been so pretty!!!! Your hummingbird sounds like a a real take-charge kinda guy, doesn't he!

I loved your verse today. And I'm NOT a patient person. To count it ALL JOY in the midst of a trial and have my faith tested and patience just doesn't seem to fit in the same sentence. But add it up with God's arithmetic and we get "perfect and complete." Amazing, isn't it! I'll be thinking about this all day today!

Rebecca said...

I admire all your nature adventures (which leave me feeling a little ashamed of how little I've been out this summer). I can't go back...but I CAN change that beginning today. Thanks for the nudge.

Unknown said...

I have some lily pads in a barral that broke off, and they are fine and even bloomed for me! Love the blue dragonfly, I haven't seen any pretty ones this summer at all? They must be at your place!! :)

Dee said...

Love the lily pads...they are so big. The humming birds are a hoot. I very rarely see more than on at our feeder. Would love to see a group of them.Sorry about the seed ticks..but he got a good shot of the wasp nest. I would have stayed in the jeep too.

Denise said...

so glad that you share your adventures, love you.

Anonymous said...

Lea, when I saw the lily pads I thought of your little frog and pictured him sitting on one of the lilies. Gave me an idea for a children's story! I love the humming birds and the blue of the dragonfly. The colours of God's creation are truly amazing and how you share with us is a gift. Thank you. Jeanie xx

Fran. said...

Aw Lea I love catching up on your posts!! Your pics are so awesome and I love the way you tell stories with them!! You are so darn cute!! Love the pic of youand your guy on your hike!! Your truck looks like the car when I go on trips with Sim! Sometimes it's rusty junque or rocks!! LOL You sure are a good picture taker!! Oh how I wish I could come and stay a few days with you!! XOXO Love ya Fran.

sweetvintageofmine said...

HI Lea, What an adventurous afternoon! When reading this, my thoughts were...this is like a movie...what's going to happen next? Birds, wasps, seed ticks, water moccasins....YIKES! Patience is a beautiful shows we REALLY TRUST the Lord.....Blessings to you and your family...I love reading your posts! Roxie

Alleluiabelle said...

Whenever I come by to read, your site is always like a breath of fresh air to my soul.

Thank you for just being you here.

Love you,

Joyce said...

Lea, Visiting your blog today at the suggestion of Phyllis at blissitydoodah. Love your photos! I'm going to add you to my list of new-to-me blogs. Thanks for sharing such beauty with us. --Joyce

Peggy said...

Just want to say Hi and God Bless! Been away from blogging for awhile and thought I would puruse some of my favs!

Heather said...

Oh my! Beauty and scariness! I LOVE hummingbirds! That is so beautiful! I would enjoy that show. We have one, when we come out of our front door, that will hover there and stare at us. I tried putting a feeder out front. Maybe he uses it. I think he prefers my cone flowers! What beautiful lovely pictures of what the Lord has created, and we get the privilege to enjoy!

Perfect verse too!
Love and hugs!