Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Be Encouraged

It's a beautiful  blessing to have people in life who 
want God's best for you.
  An encourager will  lift and build you up, 
...not tear you down.  They cheer you onward,
 pray for you,
they believe the best in you,
and speak words that heal and bring life.

Yesterday I mucked out the barn and it was one dirty job.  
Using a broom to knock down cobwebs in chicken wire over my  head - well; 
I ended up wearing most of them.  It was so hot in the there cleaning out the chicken pens 
with a pitchfork and cart.  Not much fresh air was
moving through.  It wasn't long and I was wringing wet and then to have all that filth
cover me... it was nasty. 

For me; that's very much what  discouraging words can be to my heart. 
They're like dirty words that are hard to scrub off.  
They can hang on you like a dirty grime of filth.   
Words of discouragement can ....hinder, 
dissuade, and.... very much dishearten.

As I watered the sunflowers today, I remembered 
planting into the bed of this olde truck. Since that day, I've taken time to help them grow by
watering  daily and doing everything I could  to help them along.
                                   I know I'm  blessed with  friends who have planted into my life as well-
watering, nurturing, and helping me grow.
I thank God for you,
and I want to encourage all of  you
as well.


Anonymous said...

Lea, I love the sunflower head, it is a work of art created by our Father in heaven and we get to share it, isn't it wonderful. My uncle, who is well over 6' tall and was a drum major in a pipe band, always looked impressive in the kilt, even he used to be so amazed looking up at the sunflowers. My mum loved them too. You are an encouragement always to me and I thank God for you. Have a blessed day. Jeanie

Denise said...

love you sweet friend, always.

Yolanda said...

Lea, your so cool and genuine. I so wished we lived closer as my heart has hurt today because of a family situation that continues to be prickly. I am so thankful Jesus loves me and has become so important to me that I hunger for grace and forgiveness, I pray one day family will as well.

Paula said...

I can so appreciate all the work that went into that truck full of muck!! Your explanation and example of words and how they can sink into ones life is not only clear, but spoken with wisdom, love, and Gods directive!!! SOOO HAPPY to have read this post (even happier you wrote it :-)), and these words of encouragement. Thank you Jesus for your heart, and example for us to live by! BEEG hugs to you today Lea, ALOHA!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Lea, YOU have always been one who has spoken encouragement into my life, pushing me onward and making me look upwards, and watering my soul with God's words. I felt like that big ole sunflower --- you could have put my face in the center of it, as I feel well watered, fed, and happy in your sunshiney blog. And yes, when people tear you down, it IS like cleaning out a chicken coop full of cobwebs and stale air. Perfect example and very graphic, I must say!!!! Love you!!!

Dee said...

I am blessed with friend who water and nourish me also....many are bloggers :)

Patty Sumner said...

It is wonderful to have a friend who can motivate you and encourage especially to grow in the Lord...Love your chicken coop ananlogy....Words can breathe life or Words can suck life from us...Have a great one...Blessings!

sweetvintageofmine said...

I am always encouraged when I read your blog...and a smile on my face and heart. I believe God calls us all to be of good encouragement to others but a select few who truly has the annointed gift....and that my friend is you! Blessings to you~~~Roxie

Debra said...

Thank you dear one-it was a balm for my soul to read your blog this morning...