Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Time To Be Silent And A Time To Speak

Greetings and Holykisses,

This vintage "Singer" was planted this past week in a bed of Oxalis behind the olde shed. 
The  scripture picture  means  alot to me right now; especially the last part of Ecc 3:7- a time to be silent
and a time to speak.  Because sometimes... - I get that  last part backwards.  ...Know what I mean?  There's times that  I just wish so badly  I could turn the clock back and just ...shut my mouth.  -- And then there are those other times that are hard for me when I have to be brave,...take a stand and speak out. 

"I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."  Psalm 104:33



Yolanda said...

I cannot imagine you speaking out of turn! Your so kind, loving and gentle.

Unknown said...

This hits home this morning! Thanks!!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Yikes!!!! I can do the tear and mend part ok. Especially since I am not a good seamstress!!! But the silent and speaking thing. . .I'm with you on that. I'm mostly silent. That seems to be the safe thing for me, but not always the right thing. I pray for more boldness, but with that, I need more love and compassion, too. But I loved the end of your post, Lea. We may need discernment as to when to speak and when to keep silent, but we can ALWAYS sing!!!! So sing your little ol' heart out today, and you will be right on!

Artful Gathering said...

I love the planted Singer!
And of course your lesson....

Fran. said...

LEA!!! I LOVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE PIC AND VERSE!! I have two old rusty ones in my garden I qill take pics of once my flowers start growing!! LOL I am in awe everytime I read your posts and look at your pictures!! They are so pretty and you take such good ones!! I am gettin my mojo back and think of you everyday out in your yard!! Thanks for sharing!! XO Love, Frannie