Thursday, March 18, 2010

Broken, Refilled and Thankful

Greetings, Holykisses, and happy Thankful Thursday!

Talk about being late for the party huh? It's almost Friday here, so I better make this fast.
I still have a sink full of dishes to wash but it's been quite a day! lol

First; remember the picture above that I shared with you a week or so ago? From the moment I laid eyes on this old jar, I knew it was really special. May seem weird to you, but I've been thinking of this jar so much. This jar's purpose didn't start being a terrarium.
When the contents were used up, it was discarded by someone, and it became broken. Man did not recycle this jar... but God did. The purpose for which it has now, is far more important than the one it even had before. Look how one broken vessel, could be used and affect so many other living things by reflecting the Father's light.

I still haven't had it enlarged but I will, and can't wait to hang it in our house. It reminds me that with God all things are possible.- " And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28
Onto my Thankful Thursday post.
A few Random Blessings to share.....

This is the back of the shabby olde potting shed, taken just today. The ivy that has enveloped it,
has turned it into one giant birdnest. lol I seriously think the ivy is helping to hold it together.
And I'm thankful for the joy, that this shabby little building gives me.

This evening, I bagged up the trash and ran out the door without looking. lol I never do that... I always look! But tonight I didn't. I was in a hurry, and hit that screen door on a trot.
I'd already made the leap off the step when I caught "something" out the corner of my eye.
I knew I'd already put the cat in the shed behind the house, so it wasn't the cat.
EeeeeeeeeeeK! I'm thankful I didn't really have a heart attack, and
even more than that, thankful it wasn't a skunk. Imagine how close my leg was
to that possum as I came out the door. I could have stepped on it, --and they
have ALOT of razor sharp teeth. I hollered to Myguy and he took the picture
for me and then got it off the porch. It's weird that the camera was set on
night time in the first photo and on automatic in the second. Quite a difference.
I just noticed our dogs looking out the door. Bet they were wondering why
their Momma screamed like that? lol
I've been thinking the cat has been eating way too much catfood for just one cat.
We were feeding one cat and a possum. :)
Of course, I'm also thankful for Merry Pearl our drop off cat. This little fluffball is quite a garden companion, and now get's along with our dogs fabulously, although they "are" a little afraid of her still. haa Once in awhile, I catch Myguy petting her or even picking her up. I know he really really likes it that she sounds like she's running open headers. Motors matter.*
I'm thankful that the pastures are greening up. That means that soon we'll beable to quit feeding hay and grain to our livestock. Also, if you enlarge this picture you can see that the puddleducks have three wild geese visiting them. You'll see them in the grass to the right of the pond. They were swimming in the pond when I first saw them but by the time I got my camera they were grazing.
And I'm very thankful that the peonies that I transplanted from my AngelMother's place, have not only made it... but are growing. I know some of you prayed that they would and I so thank you for that. (means alot!)
Thank you Lord so much for settling them into their new home. My heart is overjoyed.
Life has been extra busy this week, with the women inspired conference going on, but I've been so incredibly blessed. I hope to share a highlight of each day with you in a summary after tomorrow. God's really used some of these messages to speak truths into my heart. I needed refreshing, and everyday I find I don't want the sessions to end.

I'm thankful my Hubby has been extra patient this week when I haven't gotten everything done as I should. -- I know alot of people who travel around to women's conferences all the time- but I've never felt it was very practical for me to do so. So, being able to tune in everyday to the Women Inspired Conference has been something do-able. I know the things God showed me through this experience will really help me in my walk in faith.

I could go on and on. But it's 11 pm and those dishes have soaked far too long.
Time to grab an apron, and the dishrag.
Blessings and sweet dreams,
God loves you.


Denise said...

Glad you have been blessed this week sis, love you.

Unknown said...

So happy to see your peonies growing. I have yet to transplant mine. We are expecting snow Saturday and Sunday so I am holding off for awhile.

Unknown said...

I just love your insight and can't get that jar too! And your shabby shed is perfect! Now that possum is too close for comfort!

Linda Stubbs said...

You blessed me by reading your post this morning. I am more thankful then when I first came. It was fun seeing all the beautiful pictures that you had up. Loved the broken jar with the GREEN! I have so missed being outside this last winter. It has been so cold and nasty. Everything is greening up here also. Been able to put the horses out. That has been wonderful!!!! The wheat is looking beautiful. Also was able to work in the garden a bit. Our tomatoes plants where huge last year.
Well sweet friend so nice to see that you have been enjoying yourself. Saw your possum, we had a skunk in the coop. It had been killing some of my girls. Mr. Phil had to shoot it. That was not good!! Smile
Blessings, Linda

Tins and Treasures said...

Your cat is sooo beautiful and I can't believe that you stayed on the porch with the possum long enough to get the photo!! Yikes.

Have a fabulous Friday ~Natalie

Yolanda said...

Thank you for taking the time Sis to sit and chat with us a spell last evening. You are an incredible woman and Jesus loves YOU! I do as well.

Angela said...

Another wonderful thank filled post...I so enjoy your Thursday posts...I would have SCREAMED..oh my goodness and there you are smiling away,,lol

those two dogs are just too precious and the cat looks like the queen around there,,lol

Tracy said...

So glad you took the time to bless us even when you've had such a long & busy day! I'm thrilled to see your peonies growing! Yay! As always, your gifts for looking at life never fail to bless me...I can't believe you stood close enough to that possum to have your picture taken...twice! You really must love us! So glad you've gotten to participate in that conference this week. What a blessing! I love you my sweet friend! Sending hugs this beautiful Spring Saturday! = )

Anonymous said...

Hi Lea, It's Janie in CA. I am so happy your peonies are growing! Made my day when I read this. I knew they would. Love you!