Monday, Monday..... -- I couldn't help but think of Hillsongs "Believe" this morning because there's not one room in our house that's in order right now, and I couldn't remember right off where my bible was this morning? --- Oh how I'm getting more and more anxious to get things finished and back in order!
We got alot done over the weekend. Inspite of the fact that, our mechanic shop got busy once again and with Tony not working there anymore,... Mike and Trent have been covered up with work.
Saturday afternoon, I cut all the old carpet up in more manageable pieces and got it and all the pad carried out back and burned. I had no idea it would smoke like it did. Yikes. I was so thankful no one called the fire department on me! lol

This evening, after the guys are off work, they'll start laying the new laminate down. I can hardly wait! I'm getting so anxious to have our house put back together! None of us are too crazy about living like this. Even our dogs act confused. lol
Today's DO LIST:
Paint the old trim boards around the closet, at the far end of this room white to match all the new baseboards. In the hallway, -- we've decided the bathroom door jams need to be painted white as well, but then there was yet another decision:

Home Sweet Home
Lea, this caused me to be emotional. Thank YOU for being you and for being real.
I know what your going through but it will be all worth it when it's all done! Hugs! Happy Thanksgiving!
HI Lea..
OH it will be so nice when its all done..glad too the fire-department didn't come- LOL
I just had some noodles with butter , parmesan cheese and some crumbly Mexican cheese on it..YUMMY
AM gonna make another big bowl of carmel corn now LOL (:) oink -oink ~
Oh no..... you are right.. you cannot paint over that! The floor is going to be so nice and you are a brave woman tackling this right now... BUT how nice it that going to look! Make sure and take pictures after you are finished!
Happy Thanksgiving girl!
I love you dearly sweet sis.
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