Last night was productive inspite of the rain. After we closed the shop at 5, we headed to Lowe's with the trailer to get all our supplies.
I wonder how long we stood back at the laminate flooring trying to decide which was the better purchase? We knew which color type we wanted, but the price varies alot by quality-- supposedly.
The better quality had a photo of a large dog in the center of it; with the claim that it's 30 percent more scratch resistant. We him,... hawed,.... and scratched our heads until all our backs ached from standing still in one spot, much too long.
Then Trent did something that changed our decision completely.
He thought to do a scratch test on the two samples that we were torn between. One was the higher grade with the 30 percent scratch claim; thee other was alot less expensive but looked almost identical.
He took a set of keys and scratched super hard ..... trying to gouge them up. Yall are not going to believe this but the one with the claim that it was so much better looked horrible when he did that, and the cheaper one held up through his torture test without a scratch! More expensive is not always better quality that's for sure!
We loaded everything up, and covered it with a brand new tarp. We stacked all the new laminate in the back seat in the cab of the truck though to make certain it couldn't get wet. We were quite a load, but still managed to drive up the street and parked next to Starbucks to make one last, difficult decision. "Hello grande, gingerbread latte. I haven't seen you since last Christmas!"
I'm so grateful that everything is coming together little by little.
This morning when I first opened my eyes, I saw all the furniture temporarily stacked around my side of the bed. Then I remembered what a mess we've put our house in with Thanksgiving just 5 days away. But it's okay; because thanks giving is every day. We have so much for which we're thankful. Thank you my Lord. I just wanna thank you.

When I got up and poured my morning coffee, I used my Momma's cup.... and smiled.
Interesting about the laminate. I'll have to remember that. Thank you for such a beautiful ending.. you're right, each day is a day of Thanksgiving... I wish you and yours the most wonderful Thanksgiving ever. You so enrich our lives...hugs ~lynne~
I love the scratch test! And the results are even better! Sometimes what you get with a lower price is an honest person. It's good to know there are still some out there.
I took your poll but it wasn't exactly accurate. I LIKE ham best but I fix turkey for Thanksgiving and ham for Christmas.
Still praying for yall. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Love you!
I agree, expensive isn't always better. I can't wait to see the finished floors!
Thank God for blessing you with laminate flooring. Would you tell Him I want some in my kitchen.
Your posts are always so interesting. Thanks for being the real you.
Luv u,
PS My oldest daughter called earlier thie evening and she's coming home tomorrow. I didn't expect her until Tuesday. Pray she will have a safe journey.
Lovely mug.
Think it is a shame that we miss out on thanksgiving.....
Mind you our Australia Day is usually boiling hot.
The only day where we have a holiday where we could cook hot things is June, the Queen's birthday holiday.....not her birthday...and not much is done except have a long week end.
We need a winter foodie celebration.
pictures, we are in desparate needs of a glimps Sister.
ALoha Lea,
Here at the BNB in Kauai we have laminate that is a similated light colored bamboo. It handles the scratches really well, but not sharp pointy objects!!! It is the lowest, cheapest grade there is. washes up like a charm. I am so excited for you, new floors. Your the second person I know of that is putting down new flooring right before thanksgiving. It's all about giving thanks to the Lord for all he has done, floors in progess or not! Just want to tell you how much I have grown to love ya Lea. I am greatful for what the Lord is doing with you life. Your a beautiful woman of God. With fond Aloha Paula
P.S. I forwarded the picture of the coffee cup to my guy. He needed some encouraging today so thank you
Hi Sweetness! I'm with Edie on the poll issues!! Love me some good not too salty HAM!!!!
YAY!! You have your floor...well almost!! Great idea Trent came up with!! Can't wait to see it all finished!
And yes, dear, you are so very right!! Thanksgiving IS everyday!!
You already know that you bless my little socks off and I am so THANKFUL for the blessing of YOU!!
Guess what? I have a mug that I gifted to my Mom many years ago that I delight in using, too! Isn't it neat how we can still feel connected sometimes with things as simple as a mug? Just warms my heart up real good!!
Have a delightful Thanksgiving celebration, Lea!!
Much Love and HUGS,
I love you sis, and I thank Him for you.
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