I'm a little late "getting my blog on!" But... it's "still" thankful Thursday and-- it's been a wonderful day. I hope it has been for you as well! Went to bed last night to the sound of rolling thunder, and awoke to the pitter-patter of steady rain. ~ahhhh can you smell it? It's so fresh outdoors... and everything green and lush!! I know Autumn really is right around the corner, but so far, in our neck of the woods, it's still a gorgeous summer.
Onto this week's random five blessings......................
1. I'm thankful to have had "time" away with Myguy. We so needed it, and the Lord just
made it all happen. Usually "My dear husband" has to ask at least 2 weeks ahead of time, for vacation; but
not this time. We realized we "needed" it,... and he asked and received!!
I'm thankful for answered prayers.
2. I'm thankful... my husband warms my heart.
Going away on our road trip, we decided to not go see other people. It was
time to be alone together. We've been married 26 years now, and thankfully,
I can say, I married my best friend. And after all these years,... he still warms my heart!
He warms my heart by saying things like, "You're so beautiful."-- even when
I look like a troll when I first wake up in the morning. He doesn't see the troll... at all?
Maybe he just needs glasses?
-- At any rate, his words and ways keeps me warm.
I'm thankful and warm.
3. I'm thankful the Lord used a special someone to bless me this week.
An angel made, the most beautiful, purple bracelet and placed it in my mail. ~Heaven sent friendship.~
The blessings have just kept coming and flowing because of this gift. And
the Lord used it to direct my heart back to Proverbs 31. I'm grateful
and recharged!
I'm thankful for divine intervention.
4. I'm thankful for the Word! I look around our home, and realize how blessed
we are to have so many bibles, and study tools. Books line our shelves, as well as
thee internet with incredible online studies, and helps. I'm so blessed.
I "need" the word of God. I want it; gotta have it.
I can't imagine never reading it. The God of thee entire universe speaks to us through
His living word.
I'm thankful and listening!
5. I'm thankful for you reading this.
Your beautiful faces on the slide.., your warm
messages of love and encouragement absolutely delight me! Your friendships are so
important to me, and it just blesses me that you'll spend your time
by dropping in and saying hello.
I learn from so many of you, as we journey along together.
I'm thankful for you " lovin friends."
And as Dimple would say, "I love ya too honey."
Please join Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey, to read more thankful hearts.
made it all happen. Usually "My dear husband" has to ask at least 2 weeks ahead of time, for vacation; but
not this time. We realized we "needed" it,... and he asked and received!!
I'm thankful for answered prayers.
"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive."
Matthew 21:22
2. I'm thankful... my husband warms my heart.
Going away on our road trip, we decided to not go see other people. It was
time to be alone together. We've been married 26 years now, and thankfully,
I can say, I married my best friend. And after all these years,... he still warms my heart!
He warms my heart by saying things like, "You're so beautiful."-- even when
I look like a troll when I first wake up in the morning. He doesn't see the troll... at all?
Maybe he just needs glasses?
-- At any rate, his words and ways keeps me warm.
I'm thankful and warm.
"Ecc 4:11 If two lie down together, they will keep warm."
3. I'm thankful the Lord used a special someone to bless me this week.
An angel made, the most beautiful, purple bracelet and placed it in my mail. ~Heaven sent friendship.~
The blessings have just kept coming and flowing because of this gift. And
the Lord used it to direct my heart back to Proverbs 31. I'm grateful
and recharged!
I'm thankful for divine intervention.
"Therefore encourage one another and build eachother up, just as in fact
you're doing." 1 Thess 5:11
4. I'm thankful for the Word! I look around our home, and realize how blessed
we are to have so many bibles, and study tools. Books line our shelves, as well as
thee internet with incredible online studies, and helps. I'm so blessed.
I "need" the word of God. I want it; gotta have it.
I can't imagine never reading it. The God of thee entire universe speaks to us through
His living word.
I'm thankful and listening!
"For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged
sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it
judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Hebrews 4:12
5. I'm thankful for you reading this.
Your beautiful faces on the slide.., your warm
messages of love and encouragement absolutely delight me! Your friendships are so
important to me, and it just blesses me that you'll spend your time
by dropping in and saying hello.
I learn from so many of you, as we journey along together.
"A friend loves at all times."
Proverbs 17:17
I'm thankful for you " lovin friends."
And as Dimple would say, "I love ya too honey."
Please join Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey, to read more thankful hearts.
I enjoyed this thankful post, straight from your beautiful, thankful heart. I love you.
Hey girl
thanks for coming on my walk with me.
I sure loved having you along.
blessings and hugs
barbara jean
Thanks for sharing your heart and life with us this day dear sister.
I love and appreciate you.
Oh, I LOVE the smell and feel of rain!
I'm glad you got away with your husband and had such a wonderful time together.
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