Greetings and Holykisses,
Good afternoon dear friends!
It's been a wild couple of days, enjoying Bargains galore on 64 Highway.
I had alot of fun, and only bought things I really really liked or thought I could use.
First thing this morning, as I headed out, "someone" caught my eye. Leaning next to a flatbed trailer on the side of the road I spotted Him. I'd already made my turn so first driveway I came to I turned around and went back for Him! I knew I wanted Him!!!!!!!!!!!! I even knew the woman selling this picture. She told me her Father passed away in October and this picture was at the foot of his bed.

Someone at one time, had taken it apart and glittered around the neckline etc on His clothing. I wish they hadn't; but since they did, will do my best to clean it up a little. I'm going to take it apart and clean the glass and use a glue pen and lots more glitter over all the glittered areas. Our bedroom is all repainted now, so how do you think it would look to hang this in there and paint the frame a creamy white?
I just love this picture so much.... Jesus' face is so beautiful and His eyes.... pure LOVE.

Yard sales were everywhere! I had a ball!

This was one of my favorite ones. The grass was so tall in some places getting to them however that I REBUKED chiggers all morning long. Soon as I got home, I scrubbed my legs and feet and I'm praying I didn't get ate up!!!!
The sellers at this sale, came from far away to set up here. Some things they were pretty high and others... not.* The Mother priced really good, and the daughter... high. It was kinda funny.

This clock was 1.00 and I love it. I don't even know if it works or not.. and don't care. But I do love a loudly ticking clock! This creamy white one will be fun to decorate with.

These bisque babies I know nothing about. They're not marked Germany, but they're sweet and ...

the faces are hand- painted ever so sweetly. There was a bisque kewpie doll there without arms but she was marked 20.00. Too rich for my blood. These were 3.00.

I bought lots of silver ware this weekend. Just have a real thing for it. Do you see the lovely morning glory on this spoon handle?
Loving everything vintage; our silverware drawer is full of mis-matched silverware. The one set we got when we were married 26 years ago, has dwindled over the years. I send Myguy's lunch with him to work and sometimes a fork or spoon doesn't make it's way back home. Going back even further, I remember when the boys were small, that many spoons found their way to the sandbox; never to return again.
So every yard sale, I watch for OLD silver ware. The older the better.
I'll never forget when Tony still lived at home; he reached into the silverware drawer and pulled out a FANCY, antique spoon. He said, "WHERE did you get this? OFF THE TITANIC?" (he's very funny) And it did look like it was about that old too! lol

This was yesterdays jackpot. Ohhhhhhhhhhh don't you just love em? lol I was ecstatic because the fork in the very center with the matching spoon to it's right, match others I got a couple months ago, and we use them every day and love em! The grapes on the handle are awesome and these are weighty and even Myguy thinks they are waycool! 50cents a piece!!! Right up my alley!

They are especially extra special when they are dated on the backs and some of them are!
Today.... I found....

these at the sale where the Mom was cheap and daughter was high. I dug through a box of old flatware, and squinted in the sunlight without my bifocals trying to see if they were dated. Unfortunately, the Mother walked off... leaving high daughter to take the money. I know she was watching me. When I went up and asked her how much they were she frowned and said, Ohhhh I dunno... then turned em over and started trying to see what they said "as I had."
Thankfully, the cheap Mother returned and hollered, "awwww a couple dollars."

They aren't super fancy, but they ARE oldies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 162 years old?
Am I doing the math right? Maybe I forgot to borrow correctly... or carry a one? egads*
(I've been looking at these on ebay and -- okay, so guess they aren't that old "really" but... they're still cool! I'm hooked!) *If you're a collector or know anything about vintage silverware, please write or comment! I'd love to know more. 
also found this vintage rhinestone pendant. The lady told me she'd take a dime for it. Don't you just love yard sales?!

This thing is the coolest paper find. Dated 1944 on the back, and I can hardly wait to use it. One of my favorite things to do is to marvel at the stars. There's nothing like laying on your back at night and watching the heavens. To see a shooting star.... takes my breath away every time...!

When you think of the universe and everything God created.... don't you just feel like a micro speck? ~ I'm looking forward to taking this out and learning how to find and recognize some of these stars!!!
One of my favorite verses is: "He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them." Psalm 147:4

Oh here's another thing I bought from cheaper Mother. Love using bingo cards to alter.
If you have ideas for the wooden pieces let me know. I use the cards, but the other pieces are starting to pile up.

When I came across these bags, my heart skipped a beat. "Please say that bag says, $1.00 for that luscious antique tatting!" Ohhhhhhh yeah................. SOLD to the woman drooling on the bag of lace tatting."

Is it not beautiful???????????

Here's some more lace from still another sale....

And of course I couldn't pass up the Lydia lace!
I had a couple more bags of lace but honestly grew weary taking photos. Yard saling is hard work; I could use a nap. lol
But instead, I'm gonna go out and start mowing.
We have plans with the kids tomorrow to go muddin. They worked on the four wheel drives last night and we'll be headin to the Bottoms. I won't forget my camera so come back soon. Hopefully I'll have some fun pictures of {our kind of a "family excursion." }
SMOOCHY holykisses!
Such awesome goodies, I love the picture of Jesus. Wish I could have been there with you sweetie. I love you.
You always find neat stuff! :)
Roman Catholic's would call that picture, The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (see His heart). What a beautiful picture and will be praying for your touch up to take that glitter off...wonderful finds sis...
Oh Lea ...you had so much fun !!! I soooo wish I had been able to go with you ..we'd a had a ball together !! Of course that Lace is right up my ally ..I do have a weakness for lace and everytime I see it for cheap I grab it up ...!
And the silverware ..I have to chuckle because ..I though we were the only ones that eat of early silverware that's mixed and matched ..we also eat off early transferware plates bowls etc that are mixed and matched ..and my nieces and nephews refer to it as the dead peoples dishes LOL !!!
Yes we have researched silverware ..anything you want to know just e-mail me ..sweetmagnoliasatluckymaildotcom
Hope you have lots of fun Muddin today ..I've never done that before but sounds like a blast !
Blessings ..Sara
What a fun trip. Vintage finds are the best! I'm loving your new blog look. Blessings to you!
Somehow I missed this post. You found some really nice "jewels". Makes me wish I was young again and could do the crafts I use to do, like decoupage (there's three, of me and my two daughters on the left sidebar). I did pocketbooks and actually sold one. I use to crosstich, sewed a lot of my girls clothes when they were very young. I crocheted afghans and can't remember what else. I also use to make my own Christmas decorations.
You are so talented, enjoy it while you can.
Luv u,
Oh wowee you did good!
Love the great old Jesus...old glitter included!
And the doll (with the wire) what a great old one!
I also love a drawer full of old mix and match silverware :) makes me waaay happier than one new piece from a dept. store.
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