Greetings and Holykisses,
I can't beeelieve it's Thursday already! Happily and Joyfully, I share:
My Thankful Five:
1. Yesterday, we had Jail ministry. Two weeks ago, I was asked to give the next devotional, and I'd said "yes." I had every intention to just give a devotional out of one of the books I have. But
the day before, God gave me a word. I was takin a shower and I plainly heard God speak
the word "Foundation" into my heart. Foundation??? Ooook Lord* As the day went on, I'd only
gotten bits n pieces of a lesson. But that night, I opened my bible and prayed, "Lord, I have
no idea what I'm supposed to be doin here.* You're gonna have to show me, I can SO NOT
do this on my own! You have got to show me what YOU want!" After my prayer, He
began showing me things through His living word, and before I knew it, my clock said 4 am..
My notes were finished, and God's lesson became "Foundation"- What Are You Building On?
The next day, in the parking lot, my friend and mentor parked next to me. I jumped
out of my vehicle and climbed into her truck and just looked at her. She said, "Do you want to pray?" I said,
"PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She prayed, and we went inside. Yall, God just took over!
He flowed His message. At thee end, it was my JOY to get to lead an 18 year old
girl to Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her name was written in permanent INK ... into the Lamb's book of Life!
What a PARTY up in heaven!
My heart is still up in the clouds somewhere!
I went to church, the same night...- yall ready for this? The Pastor taught out of Hebrews. The verse he taught from, included the word "foundation!" In fact, he said it over n over again! In detail Yall!!!
God has my full attention!
2. 3. 4. and 5.
It couldn't get any better than than number one!
You're awesome God!
Thanks Lord for speaking to me so clearly, and giving me a heart to hear you. I'm overwhelmed by your goodness, ... your provision, and your care. Thank You, for giving me the courage to say Yes even though I felt incapable. In YOU... i am able. Please be with that young girl who accepted you as savior and LORD of her life. Please guide her and help her to make wise choices in her life. Please help her get out of that cell, and start living FOR YOU!
YOU are GOD,
1. Yesterday, we had Jail ministry. Two weeks ago, I was asked to give the next devotional, and I'd said "yes." I had every intention to just give a devotional out of one of the books I have. But
the day before, God gave me a word. I was takin a shower and I plainly heard God speak
the word "Foundation" into my heart. Foundation??? Ooook Lord* As the day went on, I'd only
gotten bits n pieces of a lesson. But that night, I opened my bible and prayed, "Lord, I have
no idea what I'm supposed to be doin here.* You're gonna have to show me, I can SO NOT
do this on my own! You have got to show me what YOU want!" After my prayer, He
began showing me things through His living word, and before I knew it, my clock said 4 am..
My notes were finished, and God's lesson became "Foundation"- What Are You Building On?
The next day, in the parking lot, my friend and mentor parked next to me. I jumped
out of my vehicle and climbed into her truck and just looked at her. She said, "Do you want to pray?" I said,
"PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She prayed, and we went inside. Yall, God just took over!
He flowed His message. At thee end, it was my JOY to get to lead an 18 year old
girl to Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her name was written in permanent INK ... into the Lamb's book of Life!
What a PARTY up in heaven!
My heart is still up in the clouds somewhere!
I went to church, the same night...- yall ready for this? The Pastor taught out of Hebrews. The verse he taught from, included the word "foundation!" In fact, he said it over n over again! In detail Yall!!!
God has my full attention!
2. 3. 4. and 5.
It couldn't get any better than than number one!
You're awesome God!
Thanks Lord for speaking to me so clearly, and giving me a heart to hear you. I'm overwhelmed by your goodness, ... your provision, and your care. Thank You, for giving me the courage to say Yes even though I felt incapable. In YOU... i am able. Please be with that young girl who accepted you as savior and LORD of her life. Please guide her and help her to make wise choices in her life. Please help her get out of that cell, and start living FOR YOU!
YOU are GOD,
Please Join Sonya by clicking on the button above to visit other Thankful Hearts today.
If you'd like to join in her meme, I know she'd love to have you!
Smoochy holykisses
It's a very good day!
If you'd like to join in her meme, I know she'd love to have you!
Smoochy holykisses
It's a very good day!
Praise God Lea.....How wonderful to let the Lord use you and for the Holy Spirit to open up Jessica's heart, the angels in heaven are rejoicing along with us. HE is indeed our FOUNDATION!! Love & Hugs
Oooh Lea...what precious, to hear so clearly and to be used and on top of that to lead Jessica to Christ......
God is good so good!
Happy tt
Beautiful Thankful Thursday.
I know the angels in Heaven are rejoicing over that one soul you won to Christ.
You will get a star in your crown for that.
God is shining His light through you my Friend. He loves you and He loves that 18 year young gal that He used you to speak to. I pray as well that others will come along side you and DISCIPLE her, not just leave her hanging.
Love ya!
Woo Hoo!! Praise God for this precious soul. Your purple is shining through brightly my friend, love you bunches.
I love God's confirmation over our spirits...Praise God from Whom all blessings flow.
YEAH!!! Another sister in Christ! Tell her we love her next time you see her. :)
You are such a blessing Lea. I can't imagine how those women/girls feel after time spent with you. Your passion for God must just pour all over them.
That same sort of thing has been happening to me lately and I can't help but think that it is God speaking to me. Way to go on saving the girl's life.
Lea, how beautiful God's spirit works through you, and for the Lord to come along side and give this young woman LIFE!!!! Praise his name!!!! So what I learned is HIS foundation provides life, and OBEDIENCE can open doors for the lost. Welcome sister Jessica, will be praying for you! And you sister Lea, thank you for sharing his very real presense on our lives
Love Paula
Oh Lea what a nice story (:)
That is wonderful.. and I was thinking of you this morning and planning on coming to your blog and ask you how your
'' Jail Ministry'' was going..and that is what your message post was about today (:) cool huh??
Big hugs, Patty
How awesome, Lea! God won't ask us to do anything that He won't equip us for!
The LORD is good because at times we can hear Him and run with it. Other times we need confirmations. No matter what He's going to reach our hearts and make things clear to us for His perfect will to be done in our lives unto His glory.
You are such a precious sister with a heart that says, "Yes Lord I want to please You". You are just a sweetie and He is using your life is SO many ways Lea. Ways you may see and ways you may not see.
I love you.
What a awesome story to share Lea, God was working his love through you.
Thw fair was alot of fun and I have 2 more coming up, including the state fair. I'm gonna enter some of the juice my dad and I made last year while I was staying down there while my mom was hurt.
The power cord, ouch....$105.00 later I have a cord again. This one is universal and will even charge most cell phones....but golly, my whole computer was only maybe 400.00 total. They sure know how to make us pay sometimes. I sure did learn my lesson. I put it up high today whenever I wasn't in the room. How about this coo weather, isn't it wonderful? I want to have a campfire this weekend with good coffee and somores.
Hope you have a good weekend with hubby and the young'ens.
That is so awesome! The angels rejoyed when she accepted Jesus. That message was given to you for her. I also know that they others heard too, but maybe that seed of truth still needs to be watered.
I love it when God speaks a word to me then confirms it over and over! It's cool when the pastor preaches on something that is so real in your own life...right down to a specific word!
WOOOOHOOOO!! Praise God! Because you were willing to hear His voice, a young lady now has ETERNAL LIFE!! YEEEEEEAAAAA! Praise GOD!!!
Rejoicing with the angels,
Sonya Lee
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