"Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; His love endures forever." 1 Chronicles 16:34
Today's Thursday, and you know what that means... it's time to list 5 random blessings!
My Five
I'm thankful for the most wonderful husband on the face of thee earth. Myguy is my High School sweetheart, and the man God chose for me. I'm thankful Jesus is Lord of his life, and I love watching him grow in faith. It's a privilege and joy being his mate and I'm thankful he's a man I deeply love, and respect. ~Yesterday, he did a very romantic thing for me. We were talking on our cellphones and I told him my AC in my pickup was messing up and would shut down when I'd go up a hill. He's a mechanic and knew exactly what was wrong, and told me he'd pick up the part and fix it for me. He also knew I was on my way to get my haircut. Well, I went into my little hometown salon and was sitting in the chair when the other stylist said, "Hmmm, someone is out there havin car trouble." Then she looked at me and asked, "Isn't that your pickup?" I was totally caught off guard thinking, "What in the world?" Then I saw him. My Prince Charming had found the salon, unlocked my truck, popped my hood and was out there fixing my AC so I'd have a COOL ride home.
I told the gals in there that I have the most wonderful, and romantic husband ever! And that what he was doing for me out there was on the same level as bringing me flowers and chocolates. --- "Thank you Father God for blessing me with my husbandly Prince Charming!"
I'm thankful for a sweet friend who sent me SONshine in the form of "Godly" quotes, ladybugs and lemon poppyseed bread! ;) Thank You Jesus for my beautiful friend!
I'm thankful for the thunderstorms last night that showered down on roses, petunias, hollyhocks, jasmine, morning glories, angel trumpets, tomatoes, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers.... Thank You Jesus for watering my garden!
I'm thankful prayers were answered for a friend-- and the Lord gave her COURAGE to stand up to someone who's victimized her. Thank You Father God for making my friend a conqueror in Christ Jesus!
I'm thankful for the love of our sons. I'm thankful for the time we had together after church Sunday at a Mexican restaurant. Sharing a bowl of chips, cheese and salsa can do wonders for family time. We laughed, and spent time with one another. I'm so thankful for our 3 kids who've brought so much life and joy into my heart. Thank You Father God for these three children of yours!
Today, my heart overflows with more love than it could possibly contain. Thank You Jesus for being the Lord of my life; a faithful God- keeping your covenant of love to a thousand generations. Thankyou for circumcising my heart and the hearts of my descendants.
I love ya God; with all my heart... all my soul.... all my might.
Forever Yours,
I'm thankful for the most wonderful husband on the face of thee earth. Myguy is my High School sweetheart, and the man God chose for me. I'm thankful Jesus is Lord of his life, and I love watching him grow in faith. It's a privilege and joy being his mate and I'm thankful he's a man I deeply love, and respect. ~Yesterday, he did a very romantic thing for me. We were talking on our cellphones and I told him my AC in my pickup was messing up and would shut down when I'd go up a hill. He's a mechanic and knew exactly what was wrong, and told me he'd pick up the part and fix it for me. He also knew I was on my way to get my haircut. Well, I went into my little hometown salon and was sitting in the chair when the other stylist said, "Hmmm, someone is out there havin car trouble." Then she looked at me and asked, "Isn't that your pickup?" I was totally caught off guard thinking, "What in the world?" Then I saw him. My Prince Charming had found the salon, unlocked my truck, popped my hood and was out there fixing my AC so I'd have a COOL ride home.
I told the gals in there that I have the most wonderful, and romantic husband ever! And that what he was doing for me out there was on the same level as bringing me flowers and chocolates. --- "Thank you Father God for blessing me with my husbandly Prince Charming!"
I'm thankful for a sweet friend who sent me SONshine in the form of "Godly" quotes, ladybugs and lemon poppyseed bread! ;) Thank You Jesus for my beautiful friend!
I'm thankful for the thunderstorms last night that showered down on roses, petunias, hollyhocks, jasmine, morning glories, angel trumpets, tomatoes, squash, pumpkins, cucumbers.... Thank You Jesus for watering my garden!
I'm thankful prayers were answered for a friend-- and the Lord gave her COURAGE to stand up to someone who's victimized her. Thank You Father God for making my friend a conqueror in Christ Jesus!
I'm thankful for the love of our sons. I'm thankful for the time we had together after church Sunday at a Mexican restaurant. Sharing a bowl of chips, cheese and salsa can do wonders for family time. We laughed, and spent time with one another. I'm so thankful for our 3 kids who've brought so much life and joy into my heart. Thank You Father God for these three children of yours!
Today, my heart overflows with more love than it could possibly contain. Thank You Jesus for being the Lord of my life; a faithful God- keeping your covenant of love to a thousand generations. Thankyou for circumcising my heart and the hearts of my descendants.
I love ya God; with all my heart... all my soul.... all my might.
Forever Yours,
If you'd like to participate in this Thankful Thursday meme, please click the button and visit Sonya at Truth 4 The Journey. And if you don't have a blog, just jot down your blessings. It can sure change your perspective. God loves ya. Join us today, giving Him praise!
Have a beeeautiful day!
I love your heart.
Great post! Family that is what it is all about. Serving each other with love and having those fun times together to keep them close to us.
You so easily give God praise! ! !
I pray that one day, this side of heaven, I can sit with ya and just listen to your heart.
Oh, you got me started, Lea. I love hearing your heart pour out in thanks. What a blessing!
Mmmm that was a romantic gift! Toadily :)
I want soma that squash!
I talked to daddy for you today :)
Such wonderful things you have to be thankful for, Sweetie!
I love your thankfulpost and taste some of your coffee and cake!
ThankYou lea for your hospitality....
praise God with you
You have a way of finding the most unusual things to be thankful for. That is a gift. Sometimes I forget about all the things I should be thankful for.
I put you and your loved one on my prayer list.
Have you missed me? My computer went to the dr. twice, I've had a very bad urinary infection and am just beginning to feel normal again, but most of all I need for you to pray for my husband. He has been having some skips in his heart beat. He can actually feel them. He went to the doctor today and the doctor could feel them through his pulse but the EKG did not show anything was wrong. So tomorrow he's having a stress test and then on Tuesday a colonoscopy (this was preplanned a few weeks ago more of a routine thing since he has never had one.) Just pray that they will not find anything wrong with them.
You are truly a blessing and I count it a pleaurse to have you for a friend.
From my heart to yours,
Good evening Lea; What a beautiful post, and Praises to the Lord. He has done so much for my family these past few months, I just Thank the Lord every minute of the day.... Loved reading your post....
Your love for Your Lord and for your family is definitely over-flowing. I praise God with you for His many blessings!
What a great story and wonderful Hubby you have! I agree that seeing him through that window working on your AC is better than flowers. How fun!
I have so much to be thankful for...HE has blessed over and over...thank you for this gentle reminder of being thankful.
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