Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'm Not Kiddin!

Hello friends!

For a couple weeks now,
one of my first thoughts waking up has been of our sweet goat: Sky. 
Will this be the day?  Maybe she  had her baby in the night? 
Walking to the goat barn, I'd find myself listening hard ....
 for a baby bleating.  Day after day... nothing.  

Friday, it was raining like crazy.  
Walking to the goat barn, I remember praying "God pleeeease don't let me get 
struck by lightning."  I couldn't hear anything but lots of thunder. 
I did find Sky in labor though!   Otis our wether is kind of ornery so I penned him up
and watched from afar as I went about my chores.  Sky was barely leaking so 
I went back to the house and found some old towels and waited. 
Every now and then I'd go check on her and about 1:00 I went back
and she'd delivered!  She had a  beautiful, little  brown baby who  was already standing up
and trying to suck. It was sooo cute!  Then I heard something and ... lo and behold
there was another one on the other side of her!  Ohmygosh... twins!!!
But that's not all.
 She looked like she was maybe going to have another!  
She laid back down and  pretty soon she  started pushing.  
No hooves though.. I could see something but no hooves.  Ohmygosh... nonono.. 
The last baby was breach.  :(   At this point there was little I could do about it...but pray
and MamaSky pushed about four times and got him out all on her own.  
Bless her little heart!    She was licking the two babies
up by her head and really didn't act like she even knew another had been born. 
It was still in the sack so I waited just a little bit and ... but she was oblivious.  Just intent
on loving all over her other two.  So I broke the sack open by it's nose and wiped it down 
with a clean towel so it could breathe.  Then... I sat back awhile and waited.  Mama just
never broke stride lovin on her two other babies and #3; still attached to cord just laid there.
So I grabbed a towel and started drying it off briskly... after a very long while Mama stood up
and figured out she had another one.  I put it up at her front with the others and she loved and loved on them.  Oh yall if you coulda heard the sound of that beautiful pillow talk.  She cooed and 
loved on them with her whole heart; it was the most beautiful lovesong.  
Then I got to wondering... boys... girls?.... 
All three are baby billygoats.  
I'm not kiddin. 
Oh wait a minute; yes we actually were.  haha  
But no I'm not.  
She has three sons.  
 But they're sooooooooo cute!  
It's amazing really how God wired them to find
the milk source.  
It's all such a miracle.  
 The hardest part of all has been this heat. 
Inside our little goat barn they get too hot during the daytime.
There is very little  air movement in there at all. 
The first afternoon I walked inside and found the babies up against
the back wall panting hard and tongues hanging out.  I really thought the white
one was going to die.  
They really looked dehydrated.  I tried to get him to suck but he  wouldn't.   
Thankfully about that time my friend Susie texted me and she used to work for a vet.  
I asked her what to do and she told me to wet the ground with the hose in the shade somewhere 
and put them there to cool down.  That worked really well.  
But trying to keep them in the shade with the sun moving throughout the day was 
hard.  I made so many trips to the goat barn first three days and keeping the ground wetted down.
If it wasn't upper nineties with high humidity it would have been so much easier. 

 Thankfully they're tough little boogers.  
And just look at them.  Eeeek!  
 I sent a video to Blake and she couldn't wait to come see them.  
It was love at first sight.  
She named them Snowball, Chocolate Bar and Spot.  

Aside from birthin babies, we've been working hard on the house.The carpet man 
came yesterday and got that all in.  
Soon as he left I had to run barefoot through the room
and then lie down in the middle of the floor.  
Ahhhhh.  It's soooo soffffft.  

Tonight we picked out a new ceiling fan.  
It looks kind of industrial, and we both loved it soon as we saw it.  
We also found two small cupboards to hang above our washer and dryer 
in our bathroom.  I'm gonna paint them white and Myguy is gonna put a wooden 
x in the center of the doors to look barn doorish.  
Our faucets in the vanity are black with a copper tinge so we're gonna try
to go with a black n white farmhouse theme  with the 
old fashioned, black, industrial lights as well.  
Myguy's  hoping  to come back home from work in the morning while 
it's still a little cooler and work on wiring in our attic.  
I hope he can because the rain we got today dropped the temps 
down a little.

Alright yall, I'll sign off with a 
scripture picture of a tiny feather I found this week.
Until we meet again,


Debra said...

oh those gorgeous babies!

Debbie Nolan said...

Wow Lea triplets -so cute. I bet it is hard to get much done with those babies around. Thank you for letting us see these sweeties. Hugs!

Leaon Mary said...

Debra, I am curious what critters are all living now at sparrowgrass! I could send you the little bunbun in a padded envelope. lol

Debbie.. you would not believe how I fretted first few days over those babies running to and fro checking on them. You are so right; it felt like that was about all I got done... thankfully after tomorrow it is supposed to be cooler. Hopefully they will be over the hump then....

Debra said...

We lost Titus last September, so I have ONE goose now-Sam. And Norton the Dove is still hooting and strong as ever! He's about 30 years old! Sam is 19. And the humans are in their 60's!!! Us is OLD!