Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Little and Big Bits Of Life.....

Chats with a neighbor  about our  ordinary 
 lives.  We've known each other for decades and I love her. 

Finding hearts like the one above.... dried up n crunchybeautiful.
(that should be a real word)

Sharing with my guy about something  that happened to me
and both recognizing  dots for what they really are.  
A purpose I never would have imagined????
-- Having someone else notice the "crazy how they happened"  along with me ...
and both giving God the glory. 

Protection from the recent storms and tornadoes.  

Guidance to "let it go" when recently bad memories 
resurfaced and old wounds festered back up.
Two affirmation that same day to let it goooooo.  

Funny girl who asks, 
"You want it Grammy?!!!!!!!!!!!" 

How she plays in her mud kitchen baking cakes and often gets 
egg on her hands and does not like that at all!!!  She screams 
and looks around for something.... anything to get it off!  
When, (not if) .. she wigs out I'll say, "Bring it to meeeeee!!!!... I'll take it!" 
"Bring it over here!!" -- while laughing,
she smiles gleefully, and I throw my leg up while she wipes her hands 
all over the bottom of my pantleg. 
 I don't mind ... 
Olde Grammy's are washable like that.  
-But I wonder... when she's home and gets dirty hands if 
she tries to clean her hands off on Mom or Dad's pantlegs now too?

A date night to Texas Roadhouse in Fort Smith. 
Sittin side by side sharing hopes, dreams, 
work and deadlines .. all over a plate of hot rolls and 
sweet butter. 

Taking Blake Christmas shopping for her parents-
-The sweet things she picked out just from her. 

Little cutie mandarin oranges
so sweet.

Peppermint bark coffee.

Kentucky Bluegrass ink.

Cards in the mail.
Keeping in touch.

Sharing the loss of a Mother with a friend I've never met 
in real life.  

Christmas shirts

Mistletoe in our trees.

Random Bits... I'm thankful for.

Until we meet again




1 comment:

Jean said...

Fun days with little grandgirl sounds great....lots of excitement for her choosing gifts especially with her Grammy.

Special treasures and memory making.. Thank you for sharing your joyfull days.