Friday, January 29, 2021

Random Blessings

Our health and 
that wonderful shot in my hip

love of my family

pillowtalk about our days and dreams

Fiona's  deer friends

a warm house and place to be 

 chatting an afternoon away with my crony....

laughing together about our aging, jiggly old bodies 
because we both know how it is
our new mantra: life is short.... eat the bread
just not the whole loaf. lol

fresh coffee beans to grind- vanilla

handful of blueberries

garden seeds in the mailbox 

barefoot dreams agave green sweater to cuddle up in 

Neosporin for dry Winter thumbcracks 

 another beautiful ordinary day 
reminder to just let your yes be yes and your no be no
no need to give excuses

Last summer's green beans for tonight's supper

egg salad samiches with extra dill pickle 

middle of the day heart emoji texts -
that he thinks of me and takes the time to show it...

his thoughtfulness turning the heated seats on  so it would be toasty when I got in

finding so much common ground with someone I recently met

today's good study on chastity

my Fil's cancer free report

Learning so many new things ... like how to grind wheat berries to make 
our own flour and how to make Ezekiel bread.  

a good word about patient endurance on Formed
(Mama's golden nugget word to me: learn patience.)
dots that connect right into dragonfly holykisses

that big ole ball of a moon

surprise heart plaque from my Mil that says 
Love lives here

Thank you God for all these things and 
so much more...
thank you for my everything.


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