Monday, July 13, 2020

Brain Dumping ...

Good morning friends, 
Do you ever look at a big task and wonder where to start? 
That's me today.  So Emily takes the brunt of that. 
My diary where I can get it all out.  Thee idea is to just write your 
little heart out... and write fast.  That's how Julia Cameron teaches through 
the Artist Way and I love it.  Sometimes you have nothing to write about ..
but even then just write whatever comes to your mind.  Anything.  Like my friend who could only think of tomato sauce.  Tomato sauce tomato sauce ... or sometimes I've written a whole page about having nothing in the cathair to write about.  You can then write about what your'e feeling or what you oughta be doing... blah blah.. Blah.  Usually though... something good or juicy or a great idea pops out.  For me today... I gained a plan.  Perspective.  A way to start eating my elephant.  Which part Ima bite first.  Clearing our space of all crap.  Taking everything off the walls and make three piles of what we might keep and put in a tote for the shed or what to throw away ... or what to donate to the salvation army.  I've done decided all the pictures and "stuff" will be donated.  I'm in "that" mood and not much is sparking joy.  Going through our closet is gonna be the hardest of all.  Myguy is just as bad about all this as I am.  We are a mess yall.  Only difference is on my side of the closet things are different coz I go up and down in size alot.  He doesn't have that problem coz he's not built like a hobbit.  Hobbits need britches in lots of sizes.  You other hobbits understand.  I know there's a few more of us out there.  
Guys don't understand shoes either.  They don't.  We gals need a lot of shoes.  I said need.  It's true.
Because it all depends on the outfit.  Brown sandals, black sandals, fun color sandals, and then there's boots.  Brown boots, black boots, riding boots for leggings and dresses, and combat boots with flannel shirts, and sneakers in red, blue, black and taupe.  Then there are clogs, and fisherman sandals to wear at the river, and flipflops... cowgirl boots... --- we gals can not simply wear a pair of new balance white sneakers with a stripe and get away with that somehow.  Who is raising their hand? 
So I don't even want Myguy around when I start pulling out my shoes.  When I go through the closet I'll have umpteen pairs and he'll have like 5 and his work boots.  And where do you put them?  We don't have a walk in closet so it's hard to hide all my shoes.  Do not ... I said do not lift the bedskirt on my side of the bed.  Off limits Buster.  Go on.  :)
So this is where I'm starting today.  Going through stuff and purging what doesn't spark joy... what hasn't been worn in a year .... or no longer fits.  OUCH ON THE LAST ONE.  Who else keeps cute clothes coz maybe your big,olde, hobbit butt will fit in that again someday?  The struggle is real.  

Alright I'm off ... time to clear and sort and pull nails out of the walls... even screws out of the wall.  
I'm feeling inspired though! Even figured out what to do with my cedar chest that used to be my Mom's.  She gave it to me years before she died but it's from the 50's and it's a blonde finish of all things.  Honestly, I've never liked what it looks like  but sentimentally... it's beautiful so... I'm gonna change even that up!  I'm gonna paint the bottom of it a creamy white and then sand the top down to a wood finish and then I'll stain the top.  Might even add legs to her.  Gonna do that to other furniture in our room too to tie it all together.  We have an aqua hutch stand that our tv stuff sets on in our bedroom and it will get painted a creamy white as well and sand the top down and stain it.  Kinda gettin excited! Finally I can see it all in my head.  
So here we go! Braindumping works.  
Now it's time to get to work. 

I sign off with a scripture picture from my bible study this morning. 
Have a beautiful day yall,



Jean said...

Hi Lea, it is something when we begin writing from a stream of consciousness and how much we can discover. it always seems a surprise to us but to God there are no surprises. Creativity in the beginning when everything came to be.

Thank you for sharing the Scripture verse and the beautiful sunflower.

Blessings and Joy <*(((><

Artful Gathering said...

Lea, your plans sound wonderful. Can’t wait to see your finished work.

Debra said...

I'm smiling over this post! Shoes-oh, wonderful shoes....I've even done paintings with shoes in them! We won't even talk about pocketbooks:(
Please show a before pic of your room:)