Wednesday, April 8, 2020

In The Blink Of An Eye....

It's been a year almost.  
As I looked through this dusty blog I wondered...
Does anyone do this anymore?  
So many have left and found their very own dotcoms.  
to me; a  place to be is 
a place to be.  
And I'm thankful for that.  

So much has changed though hasn't it?  
The whole world has had to slowwww  down.  
and lives  have went inside.  
Many.... have been lost.  
The realization that 
life is so  uncertain scares me.  
Because who knows??????  

My faith is what keeps me and 
God says "I am here 
with you."  
Knowing He really is.... 
is all that matters.  

So I keep doing the next thing... 
and  will keep doing that.  
Like... breathing.  
What a gift.  

I remember my Mama saying,
"Every day is a gift." 
She was right.  
And the small moments... they  all matter.  
Every beautiful little one.  

With this pandemic, I've been learning what's important
and what's really not.  
I've been learning how much I've wasted. 
 Time, gifts, talents, and stuff.  
Often when we go to a store now, many things we 
were spoiled to buy whenever we wanted... are not there.  
And I  took it all for granted. 
Even this olde shed.  
So today, I'm opening the door again.  
It's propped open with a broken hoe and 
carpenter bees will buzz in and out freely.   
Two old, fat corgis will be under my desk. 
Ivy the half tailed snowball cat will be purring near my chair.  .  
I don't know what tomorrow holds. 
And  that's okay. 
Today is what matters. 
So I'll do the next thing which for me 
is to go put gas in the tiller and pray it starts.  
Usually it's on the third pull.  
After that, I'll till up a small plot for indian corn.  It's all I 
really lack in the garden here by the shed.  
If it doesn't rain, then tonight we are planting 
a much larger garden up on my Mama's old homeplace.  
Sweet corn, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, squashes, watermelon,
cantaloupe, sunflowers, and later in the season we'll put in pumpkins.  
That's the plan anyways.  
I'll take photos to document  here.  
 if  anyone is reading this right now.  
I am praying for you.  
May God bless you and protect you.  
Have a beautiful day... I'm glad our paths crossed. 
Love, Leaon Mary  


Gigi said...

So happy to see you’re back. Praying for you too.
Ginger @ scrappylady5

Unknown said...

So glad to see you're back posting. I found your blog by accident - looking for recipes - but loved your openness about family, faith, and life in general. Your blog is so refreshing, especially in trying times. It's quieting to me when all around is hurry up and keep busy. It's nice to come to your potting shed and sit for a while in the calm. Thank you for your prayers for your readers. Know that we pray for you.

dpinyan said...

Glad to hear from you.

Farming On Faith said...

Well Hello! It's been a long time for me too. I have missed blogging. I started a job as a Women's Ministry Director and it takes so much of my time. But...much like you, being at home has somehow grounded me once again to who I am. I almost forgot how all this works.
By the way, I have a Corgi too. Her name is Pippa Lou and a fat old cat named Annie that my youngest daughter rescued and left me when she left home. Nice to meet you!

Jean said...

Good morning Lea, I have just come along to visit you and it is SOOOOOOO good to be back in your garden again and in the shed....Yay!!!!!

I shall make a pot of tea and sit down with you. I can hear the bees buzzing the doves cooing. The sun is up and there's a stillness around. I will keep doing the next thing too. I look forward to hearing how your garden grows.

The small moments really do matter.

God bless You and protect you. Jx

Rae RN said...

Thank you for the inspiring words this am - I am o e tired nurse today and they really brightened my morning - God bless you ! Rae