Friday, February 22, 2019

New Reads For Lent and Shared Things

Hi friends!
That big and beautiful, brown truck stopped by, so I   
thought I'd share what it dropped off at the door:  

 -Two new books that I chose to start through Lent this season and I'm so excited about them.
This one:  Bread and Wine is alot like the Advent book called Watch For The Light.   I read the first day's entry and had to stop myself... - I love it!   
I'm not cracking it open again until Ash Wednesday.   
Also this....!!!
I'll  be art journaling through Lent again and this.... "The Art of Lent" 
is so beautiful and inspiring... -- I look forward to using it along with the other book.  
The art photos inside are  just awesome... --I did a flip thru like a deck of cards... but set it aside.   I so want it all to be fresh and new  so the two 
won't be cracked open anymore until we begin Lent.  
Now it's time to figure out what book to art journal  Lent inside??  Recently I bought a thick Readers Digest. The pages are sewn in, so it will be easier to remove some... we'll see how that goes. Books like that are a dollar or under  at the second hand stores here.   
So far, I've no plan  ... and no plans for prompts.    
Instead I just hope to go through these books day to day and 
see what happens.   ... thoughts, feelings, and include maybe some  photos of some of the days?  
Or else.. paint, markers, watercolor, collage,... 
It'll be fun to just be creative through it all.   

Before signing off, I want to share something  that happened this week-- ...
I was scrolling Facebook one day  and to my surprise
came across a photo some other group  had posted.  
Someone had made  a cute collage of pictures from Pinterest and one of my
photos was a small piece of the collage.
One "small" part of another part, of another part, of another part...
This collage had soooo many shares.
 One little old picture.
Never ceases to amaze me how we connect to others when we simply share something.
- when we use and share our gifts and talents no matter how
small the thing might seem to us.
When we do that... there are  ripples.

Like today;  I read a testimony a gal shared about their house
burning down and everything burned to the slab...but her bible did not!
I cried reading about her story...
tears just a streaming.
Something terrible happened and yet her faith remained strong.
Her sharing it... touched my heart to crying  and strengthens my faith too.
As I look deep across the span of this day... so many things  shared
between others... has blessed me.  Like a city mouse from Brentwood sharing  about Julian of Norwich.  I  share it with a Scottish lassie and she heads for the Julian centre...  amazing really.    Sometimes shares spark  in ways so different than you'd even think or imagine. Like hearing about one thing makes you think of a person from your past maybe... - even giving you a deeper appreciation for that person or what you learned from them long long ago.  Maybe you'll call them, or write them... all because someone shared something totally different that sparked this beautiful thing.
Or maybe a song someone shares .. and listening to it- maybe it gives you that bit of courage
you really needed in that moment.  Often we learn something new ... even learn new words
we've never heard before.
Art, and pictures can inspire us or a recipe can have you branching out to trying something you've never eaten before.  Shared stories of kindness can inspire you to open your heart wider and its
contagious coz all of a sudden you want to do something kind too.
Sometimes just a  shared smile or nod to a stranger can make all the difference.
Someone's kind words can literally  fill your pockets full of joy
   One never knows....
the ripples



1 comment:

Jean said...

Good morning Lea, you have a great way with words, and always inspiring. I have said it before, you could write a Devotional!

I had to look up when the beginning of Lent was this year, I didn't realise it was so near. It is good to have a Lenten Study isn't it. Your books look really interesting. I am glad you are looking forward to journaling and art leading up to Easter.

Thank you for sharing. Always a Blessing.