Friday, February 8, 2019

Day 8 Love The Little Things

It's a million, little things.  
Often taken for granted
or looked over .
It's a place to park your boots and winter coat.
It's the pink breadbox that hides peanut butter chips
for your next sweet tooth.  
It's middle of the day calls saying, "Hey I miss you and 
be home soon as I can!"  
It's  I love you Momma texts.
It's her shoutouts that ask, "Hey whatchya doin?" 
It's a pot of red tulips filled with two year old colored hearts.  
It's her  "Brrrr rabbit!" that still makes me laugh out loud.  
It's shared weather reports from Wisconsin and 
your old stompin grounds in South Dakota.  
It's private messages sayin, "This made me think of you."  
It's cuddling and praying together for eachother and our kids
before our feet hit the floor.  
It's throwing his work clothes in the dryer while he's getting ready for work  
because you love to hear him say "ahhh these feel so good!"  
It's holding hands to sleep after 36 years.  
It's how she holds pony faces in her hands and kisses velvet noses.  
It's fresh flannel sheets on the still most comfortable bed in the world.  
It's hearing them talk shop and while it sounds mostly Greek, you can still understand
the heart in it.   
It's the smell of chocolate chip cookies and how he runs off with a bagful.
It's watching her shovel sloppy joe in her mouth knowing she's not a meat eater.  
It's the deer standing frozen in the trees pretending you can't see them.
It's the sweet sound of old corgi snores.  
It's first bloomers in  bright yellow jackets. 
It's the dance with a stranger in walmart when your buggies play chicken 
until you both start laughing and shakin your heads.
It's the neighbor who waves her arm off and you wave your arm off back.  
It's his handful of hot tamales because he's your hot tamale.  
It's a headful of pigtails and that  bribery to paint.  
It's asking for a booth but always sitting close together on one side.  
It's a sinkful of hot soapy dishes using duck blue soap. 
It's singing your heads off to Glorious day driving down the highway. 
It's all this life... 
ordinary moments.
And every speck of it matters...
every little beautiful bit.  

1 comment:

Jean said...

Walking with my West Highland Terrier this morning....what a noise, beautiful noise!!!! those tiny little hedge sparrows....yes they were making such a fuss... and oh how it was music to my ears, not even a symphony played by an orchestra could've been so artistic.. they are sooooo enthusiastic...the sky is blue, the sun is shining and spring is round the corner.

Little things mean a LOT!!!!