Saturday, October 1, 2016

October ONE

 Happy October everyone!
A brand new month... and the start of my favorite season: Autumn.  
Who is ready for hoodies, sweaters, scarves, red mittens, long johns, wool socks, plaid flannel shirts,
down vests, comforters...
frito chili pie, stew,... -- I know, ... I know- it gets me too; the very thought of it all.
 ... I've already  put flannel snowflake sheets on the bed.  
We just have to turn the ac down a little still. lol  

Well just ran down and got the mail and 
it was a happy mail day.  
If you're a fountain pen person; then seeing the sucker above probably has you 
already knowing I got an order from Goulet pens.  
They send a sucker in every order.  
A  penned by hand thankyou as well!

 Awhile back I somehow bent the nib on one of my most favorite pens.  
I wish I knew how because I don't recall at all having an accident with it.  
Anyways, I finally ordered a new nib and broke down and got the ink miser as well.
Some of my bottles of ink are getting low and are getting so hard to draw ink into 
my pens.  I can't wait to try the ink miser.  
Since I "had" to place an order anyways, I bought a new color to try of ink.
 It's called Noodler's fox.  
I've never used red before but thought it might be fun
to play around with in a sketchbook.
If I remember right it's supposed to be fairly waterproof when dry.  
 This is what it's going in.  
If you're not into fountain pens you'll just think this is the silliest post but
if you DO love fountain pens then... you'll understand- totally.  
I can't help myself... I love it so much.  :)  
It's a noodler's sea coral.  
I can't wait to fix it and draw up that foxy ink.  :)  

 On my evening walk the other night I passed one of the persimmon trees
and picked a handful to bring home to sketch.  

 My books are filling up with little bits of real life here.  

 In this one I've been filling with faces.  
In the books I've shared here lately, I've been encouraged to 
create and write every day.  Quick little sketches..
and to not be ashamed at whatever level you're at.  It's about the process
not the final result.  And... to not compare to others ... and 
never a competition.  I love that.  It's so true.  
Just practice every day.  Do something, anything every day.
As I sat a couple days ago playing in my book... this little 
sketch came to be.  It's only had a bit of watercolor added and when I set it aside
to let it dry I thought I'd work on it again later  but I'm gonna leave it alone.  
It wasn't on my mind when it started... but I know this woman.  
I had no intention to sketch this friend who went to heaven a few years ago...
but it's my friend who I used to see in the nursing home on Hospice.  I see her heart
and her soul... in those sky blue eyes of hers.  It's totally her.  
You just never know when you sit down with a sketchbook what or "who"  might come to be.

I better sign off and get busy around here.  
We're having company over the weekend and the dust bunnies have been
multiplying like crazy.  
Til we meet again,
xoxo L


Unknown said...

Lea, I admire your writing with a fountain pen, I love the picture on the ink bottle of the seahorse and the red colour sounds great. I also love your sketch of the pears, what an artist you are and the sketch of your angel friend is just amazing. Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration as always.

God Bless

Artful Gathering said...

I love your sketch.
Glad you got the red noodler ink. Can't wait to see it on paper. Hugs. dawnduttonalloneword

Leaon Mary said...

Jeanie do you use fountain pens? It's a fairly new discovery for me and I enjoy them immensely! I know my little sketches need lots of work and practice but capturing the memories of the simple things of my days... is so much fun and I'm proof that you don't have to be born with a natural talent to enjoy the process of it all. I wish I was one of those people who can just look at anything and draw it but I can't. EVEN STILL... it's enjoyable and I love looking back through old books and seeing a sketch of a day and reading what happened. I hope my family one day will enjoy these books after I'm gone.
Dawn Dutton, I think you'd enjoy the red noodlers ink... it can definitely be watercolored inside of!