Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Just A Simple Tuesday

Hi friends,
Did yall have a good long weekend?
It was a fairly quiet one here.  
Myguy had to be out of town so it was just me and the dogs.  
I did get an afternoon in with the girls and our little grand is now
over a month old.  She's not seeming "as" fragile to hold her now so 
that's making it a little easier.  She's even picking her head up and turning it from
side to side when ya burp her.  She's a strong girl!!

Spent hours and hours painting this weekend.
Two whole inserts were finished; mostly of the month of August.
Taking them out of my travelers notebook... it's just so satisfying to flip through.
So much living in the pages!!  
I will treasure them.  
Here are a few shares from within... 

 We said goodbye to our  olde Jeep!  
Having a two door jacked up Jeep was too hard to take anyone with me...much-
less ever get a carseat up in the back.  I will miss this ride so much but....
I'm ..still a Jeep girl.  :)  
It's a big change to go from a wrangler to a grand Cherokee but
we did save the old soft top just in case we come across another
much older wrangler in the future for playdays.
  Ya never know?  Anything can happen right? 

The flowers are fading out in the garden now... but 
I'll always beable to open these pages and remember this bouquet that graced  my art table
-- Summer's blooms.  
Especially Grams little bloomer.  

I leave you with one last photo for the day.  
We were driving down the road and I saw this in the sky.  
Cloudgaze with me.  
What do you see?  


rebecca said...

I enjoyed my time with you here, Lea.
Your grandbaby is so beautiful...
Glad you had a simple Tuesday ♥

Unknown said...

Hi Lea, I am glad you are having some fun days and blessings with little grand baby and watching her grow and spending time with her.

I see a Westie in the clouds but maybe that's just me! I hope you got the feather cloud pic I sent. Wouldn't that be amazing if we both saw something special in the clouds!!

Have a great day and thank you for sharing.

God Bless