Hi friends,
My family's Christmas traditions have changed a little over the years
because we're now empty nesters.
It's tradition to have homemade peanut clusters, candy pretzels,
scotcheroos, Christmas cookies and other family recipes enjoyed year after year.
It's also tradition to bake extra for family and friends and take door to door.
It's tradition to put up the tree and lights the day after Thanksgiving. It's tradition
to hang ornaments collected over the course of 3 plus decades. It's tradition to put the Charlie Brown tree given to me by my sister in our office. Tradition to have a Christmas ham instead of turkey.
Tradition now to put the crown of thorns on the top of the tree.
But our most important tradition of all (and I believe our grown sons would agree,)
is to always have a birthday cake for Jesus.
We light the candles, dim the lights and all sing
Happy Birthday to Jesus... together.
Some of you know that along with that; it's also become tradition here to bake
several little cakes in jars to give as gifts.
In yesterday's post I shared a photo of one of the jars I bought in preparation.
Since I don't have the cakes ready for today's post, I decided to light this birthday candle.
Notice there is no shadow on our living room wall from the light.
This then is the message which we have heard of Him
and declare unto you,
that GOD is LIGHT,
and in Him
is no darkness
at all.
1 John 1:5
Leaon Mary
What a great idea! I've seen children's groups to it but maybe I need to make it a family affair and share the story of the birth of Jesus.
Lea, what a lovely way to have breakfast.....I am having toast & marmalade & tea and visiting the Potting Shed...thank you for sharing traditions.(a Charlie Brown tree in the office Yay!!!). I think the idea of singing Happy Birth day to Jesus is awesome and lighting the candle....what a wonderful way to celebrate our Saviour's birth and sharing the little cakes.
I asked Tom to bring down my manger scene from the loft, it is 20 years old. It has little porcelain figures within a thatched stable, a shepherd, three wise men, a donkey of course. I always smile because guess who is first to arrange the figures!!
I am enjoying spending the days of Advent with you. You are a Blessing.
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