Friday, December 11, 2015

Day 11 To Do....

Today's to do....
This photo pretty much sums up my day so far.
Started off at the dentist- can I just say I'll be so dingdangdarn glad when 
all this mess is over with?  Hang on a second... 
Yeah so this is how the day's to do's have been going 
BUT.... the thoughts in my head and heart are spinning a different direction.  

To Gratitudes-
May my  to do list give thanks each and every day. 
For a second I started to feel frustrated that all this dental junk is taking so long.
When really; it doesn't matter how long it takes.  
Because I'm so very blessed to get to have it done. 
 God's timing is perfect. 
I guess I forget that sometimes. 
In a world going crazy- 
I'm reminded right now how precious life is and how
blessed I true-ly am.  

Time to turn this contraption off,
put in my earbuds with some praise and worship music and go walking.
It's a beautiful afternoon!!... 
I'll be counting my blessings... and you my friends
are gifts.

xoxo LM

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoyed your walk with the dogs and the praise music...I am thank full for you taking time out to share the eleventh day of Advent through your computer and from thousands of miles away.

I am grateful too, for being able to see the Vet right away when Ghyllie was unwell yesterday and now he is much better.

