Hi friends,
The last blogpost about Inspiration has been sticking!
My friend Bonnie of White Lace and Promises, shared her inspirations on her blog and
got me thinking about special people who inspire me.
It's always harder for me to share people on my blog because I don't always
have permission to share pictures of them online. But I found myself writing
their names in my journal one night after reading her post because there are so many people
across my timeline who have inspired me greatly in life.
If you're a journaler as well; it's a great prompt to get you thinking and thankful
for the people God's placed in your life!
Other places of inspiration came through my new devotional recently.
It's called The 90 Day Devotional challenge and you can find out
more about it at Kathy Butryn's site. It's been a real blessing to me and one day in particular
had me thinking about a woman I've written about here before called "Dimple."
Her name keeps coming up to me and I'm feeling inspired to look her up again. Haven't seen her in years and I hope she's still well. I'd love to thank her and tell her how often I've thought of her and that by her example she taught me how I want to walk with Christ. I'm quite sure she has no idea
how she pointed me to Jesus. We really had very little contact... but things she did and how she talked to Him no matter who could overhear her....--well; I would walk away and think "Wow... I want that!!!" Her relationship with the Lord was so sincere and authentic and so very present. She'd talk to Him like he was right there in front of her; and the thing is... He is! She didn't seem to care who could over hear her... and I'm glad I listened in! lol
So if you are ever wondering about your own purpose in life, or feel small and insignificant...
may I assure you that you were created for a purpose and that we all have a sphere of influence.
God crosses our paths with so many people through life.
And He made you uniquely you... on purpose
for purpose. We are all a "dimple" to someone for His glory.
Another source of inspiration this week was a video I watched on Youtube.
It inspired me to go through our house and start getting rid of the things we aren't using or need or love. I'm very sentimental and hang on to too much!
There were clothes in our closets we haven't worn in years!! Really made me realize that I need to not buy any more clothes or BOOTS unless I just totally dingdangdarn LOVE it! And that said; if I bring something in... I'm donating two of something else!
Anyways I went through alot. Piles were everywhere, ...and I took two loads in my jeep to donate.
It's still warm here too so I haven't even been out to our other shed to get the winter clothes and bring those inside. I'll probably have another six bags of clothes to donate ... and I "will" do this. Coz I'm so inspired!
Awhile back my sister was going through her magazines and I remember our conversation how she grappled parting with them. "Will I miss them," she wondered? She finally took them and felt so good about it afterwards. That's another thing I have yet to do. I have alot of those expensive 15.00 Stampington magazines etc and they're hard to part with! I'll keep the ones that I have "friends" in... and let the rest go. One other thing that got me... was some of my Mommas clothes. Her pink housecoat has hung on my side of the closet for over 8 yearsnow. It's very small and not something I'll ever wear... so ..I took a picture of it:
That's what the gal in the video I watched did when she felt sentimental
about something but knew she wouldn't wear it. I've heard of other people doing that too
when they clear stuff out and struggle parting with things.
I'll print this picture out and washi tape it into my journal and write memories I have of Momma wearing it.
... and Hopefully some other little Grama will love wearing it like Momma did.
I'm glad I saw that video coz it totally inspired me to bravely let go of some things.
It also has made me realize that my "junkin" ...going to flea markets and antique shops and all that...
is not as important to me anymore. I don't need to keep buying more stuff to dust.
Other than mowing; I'm pretty much done gardening these days, so
my joy and inspiration has been mostly coming through
art journaling and mixed media painting. No surprise I spose?
A very dear friend of mine sent this canvas riggers bag for my birthday.
I'm soooo excited to have it because every night Myguy is laughing at me coz I carry an armload
of things to bed, and sometimes have to make another trip! Now this tote will house my bible, midori, hobonichi, pens, planner, kindle,... etc!
Since my birthday, I've stared at this bag trying to decide how I wanted to paint it.
You know how that blank page can be intimidating?
This bag was a little scary to start on... but once I did... it was fun!
First I looked at pictures on Pinterest for ... you know... INSPIRATION!!!
And yes, there are other painted canvas riggers bags to be seen there!
Also I will add that if you want one; you can get your very own at Harbor Freight.
Anyways... I decided to not paint above the pockets.
First I gessoe'd all four sides and let it dry.
Then added black.
On the sides I did arrows...
one up,
and the other side down.
Then did circles... squiggles...
scribbles, paint blotches...
you get the idea...
I can't say I'm done yet...
But I am for today.
I told my friend I might even use it to wipe off my paintbrush
sometimes. You never know when a certain color can spark
some new inspiration?
Just looking at this picture... new ideas just came to me
of what I want to do next on it.
Yeah it's definitely not done
Painting a "simple" girl recently on a canvas, I was inspired while doing a daily devotional so added this verse to her on Picmonkey and printed her out. She was then washi taped into my page and I wanted to share her here with you as a scripture picture. As always, the scripture pictures you find here are free to use and share in your personal journals etc. (They are not to be sold anywhere.)
Well, thankyou for spending your precious time with me today!
I love sharing this journey together.
xoxo Leaon Mary
as always, you inspire me. I love you sweet friend.
There must be something in the air Lea, coz I'm doing the same thing, having a massive clear out of 'stuff' and hopefully it might help clear my head of 'stuff' too. We live in a small apartment and we really don't have space for clutter so I have to be disciplined, ha! It is not easy when we are sentimental about things is it.
Thank you for sharing your days.....you are always an inspiration. God Bless you.
I love you, Lea.
I'm always inspired when I see your painting projects, what you paint on, the colors you choose, and how it all comes together. Beautiful stuff, Lea! I'd love to come paint with you and see how you do it all.
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