Saturday, October 25, 2014

Dear Heart...

  The past few days here 
have felt kinda like a bad carnival ride.
One that only stops halfway into the night
for a few short hours with more tossing 
and turning of sleep. 
It's just plain hard to shut the mind off sometimes. 

I know and believe "healing"  is happening ...but the 
mental part of all this,,,
it's really... been the toughest. 

Much comfort has come from 
the word and journaling 
through  pages.
Sometimes a love note to the heart
has helped and God's truths remind me that 
You can do this thing,
because He says you can do all things 
through Jesus. 

 Myguy has been blessing after blessing.
When I tried to turn  away and wanted to hide
he cupped this chin and reminded me we're in this thing together. 
But I feel ugly... I'm such a mess, is all I could choke out.
Beautiful... mess he says.   
And he keeps re-assuring  me that this is temporary
and everything is gonna be okay.  
And I laugh then  I cry and 
he knows to hold tighter.
So true to his vow 31 years ago,  that with the gracious
help of God he would  love honor and protect me,
and live with me faithfully in the holy
bond of marriage.
 --Thank you so much Lord.  
Thank you in   ...all of this.  

In every thing give thanks for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning you.
1 Thess 5:18  


Denise said...

Praying without ceasing for you. You are beautiful, and precious.

Rebecca said...

The chalkboard says it all, Dear Lea. I have great sympathy for your pain an have had a few nights of tossing myself. If we could only know this pain as "light and temporary"....if only we could see the eternal glory! (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Meanwhile we groan :) (2 Corinthians 5:2) Your post has encouraged me to look up - look beyond.

And YES! Thank God for husbands!

Anonymous said...

I can totally relate to what you are saying Lea. My husband has been faithful to his vows. "In sickness and in health" he has looked after me without complaint. Since having so many operations, I do not feel attractive but he is always telling me how much he loves ME. Keep your chin up dear friend. Blessings Jx

Trace4J said...

Thinking of you my Woolie Pal
It has been such a hard year for me.
But I do know it to be true with all my heart.
No matter how the devil trys to steal our joy ..peace..
When our EYES are on HIM everything else is ok.
Love in HIM

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I'm praying for you, too, Lea! And I love that Chalkboard!!!!! What a blessing your guy is --- to have someone who stands beside you, hold you up, and loves you and encourages you like that. I'm so glad he's there for you.

I spent years looking down --- believe me, there's nothing down there worth looking at, so keep looking up and the Son will shine through it all!

Debra said...

Oh precious in His sight-
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
He holds you in His hand, your name is written there
He knows the plans He has for you, and they are good
He never slumbers or sleeps
You are His

I'm praying for you dear heart.
Love, Debra