Tuesday, September 16, 2014

From Drizzles To Frizzles and Art In Between

Hi friends,
Just came in from putting the chickens to bed.  
I've been turning them all out every day and so far... 
so good.  
We haven't seen any coyotes and while the red-tail hawks 
fly from pine tree to pine tree out back- 
thankfully they haven't snatched anyone in a long time.  
The gardens are all spent and while a few zinnias keep reblooming,
as well as camellias, four oclocks and crazed morning glories- I'm no longer
upset when the hens make a mess scratching around.  They can't 
really hurt anything anymore and their eggs when they free range have the most
beautiful orange yolks.  It's almost as if the eggs are turning "Autumn" 
as well.  

Looking around our home this afternoon I took a few photos
to share some things that a few friends have made me recently.  
My friend Vickie painted  this beautiful horse in Autumn picture  and every time
I look at it... I just smile.  It's so beautiful and I can't get over that she made it for me! 

 This lamp was made by my friends Ron and Jackie. 
They have alot of down trees on their property and I was so surprised
when they came carrying this lamp in for me!!  This area in our living
room was really dark too and the table where I usually do my bible studies is right there.
This cool new floor lamp makes reading such a joy!!  
You can't see it in the photo but at the base he added my birth date on it 
and a star!  :)

 I was going to share what I've been creating as well... but I think I'll share that 
over on my art blog... "well bless your little art."  
This afternoon, I did bake  this apple crisp though.  
How about a bowlful? 
 I share.

 Here is the sweet little cup  
that young Carter made for me!  
It holds a few of my favorite pens on my art table.  

This cross; our Tony made.  
It has a dragonfly in the center.
He even painted it this color!  
How did he know?  lol
And Michelle; 
she painted this beautiful birdhouse.
Love her swirly curly q's!!!
AND...more {{dragonflykisses}} too.

Don't you just love handmade gifts?
They mean so much.  

--This evening I walked out to the potting shed ...
wish you could have heard the HISS that I did as I went past 
the turquoise planter.  I really don't know what it was?
It was definitely a hissssss  so my brain said snake... and yet as I went for a hoe,
I questioned if I didn't hear a cat maybe?  I dunno what it was.... but 
I never did find anything when I poked the hoestick into all the bushes... 
It'll creep me out for a few days when I'm out here now. lol  
I was definitely not hearing things... 
something HISSED.  

Even bending down to snap a pic of this bloom I stayed on 
red alert. 
Did you see how tall this thing got over the summer in the photo above?
It was  grown from seed.  
Can you see the STAR in the folds?  

As dusk arrived ... so did  the fog move in.  
It was kind of pretty and eerie all at the same time.  

 Usually I take a four wheeler ride to end the day.
But this evening the dark seemed to come too early.  
You can definitely tell the seasons are changing.
Inside the barn, the boys and girls had all went to bed.  
Well... all but Hezekiah.
I had to turkeyherd him into the coop.  

 My broom was still propped up by the lightswitch.
I don't have proof but everything in me points a bony finger at SPIRIT 
for chewin the dickens out of it.  
This picture was taken earlier in the day when I discovered it and asked him about it.
Nothing is safe with Spirit around.  He'll carry a water hose five acres away,
Even a huge heavy rubber feeder is sometimes found out dropped in the weeds.  
Characters they are... 
and that was said with genuine sarcasm; coz I really liked that broom.  
My fault- the human left it out right?

I sign off this evening with a photo of a beautiful handmade card 
created by my dear friend Cora.  
It reads:  
Wishing you a day filled with 
beautiful things.  
That wish 
I leave tonight with all of you.  

Until we meet again,


Unknown said...

I'm gonna visit your farm one day, I must! :) Your tours just pull me in and the potting shed is blooming, just like you!!!

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

So good to find a post here, Lea! I always love reading these, and the pictures are so great. Loved all your "gifties" you received and the painting is just beautiful. LOVED the broom thing. I can just see that horse running with it!!! And that apple brown betty ---- my mouth is watering --- any left????
Most precious is your mug and the artwork on it. That's a keeper, for sure!

Anonymous said...

How I enjoyed my visit to the potting shed this morning Lea, what a delight it was. I felt as if I was actually there and sharing in all the beauty and life in your garden. Those little hens are the sweetest!! Thank you for sharing your lovely gifts. Always a joy to come visit.
Blessings. Jx

Debra said...

What a lovely post! I felt like I was walking along with you...please be careful about hissing things!!!
Oh-the little flowers you sent me have been blooming their little hearts out all summer long, and still going strong!!! They are so sweet!!!