A Few Random Blessings today:
I'm thankful for this moment
that I got to wake up "today."
That these jiggly arms lifted me from bed
and my feet; they carry me.
I'm thankful for overall good health-
and that my family is healthy too.
Sometimes I take it all so for granted- until it's gone.
I'm thankful for
family and friends.
To have people to journey alongside.
For souls to love and
who love me back.
These ones who really care and share
even the deep mess of things.
Real love like this;
unconditional and grace-giving
and receiving.
For this olde roof over our head.
That even though it still leaks when it rains...
it shelters and gives Myguy, me,
Addie and Francoise a
place to "be,"
I'm thankful to discover so many new seeds
to save. Sometimes I look out and think the garden...?
... It's dying. But really it's bringing more life.
zinnias, marigolds, and many more.
So many seeds to gather, and save
for Spring.
I'm thankful for all the nature around me.
That I get to watch and catch catfish, bass and perch here in the pond,
To see the deer twins jump out of their briar home, and one crazy bullfrog who chooses to live in the garden and
bathes right in a bucket.
For the monarchs on zinnias
and caterpillars munching in fennel,
For heavy sunflowers
and the slowing down of Indian Summer.
To see time...
ticking out seasons
...well spent.
For a turkey
who trots
with a limp.
For a daughter in love who
celebrated another "birth" day.
I give thanks.
For hearing "Gramma Lea!!"
by two bouncing grands
as I walked out of the dentist office.
For a good report
and to have another mammygrammy
over with for another year.
For a special friend who points
me always the right way to go.
and pulling big girl panties up
into the next uncertain steps.
For last night's trip to Paris with Myguy
That while even though we blew a head gasket in the big
Diesel work truck;
-Old Buck the farmtruck with holes in his floorboards was ready and waiting-
hauling yet another one in.
For a friend who wrote while we were enroute;
testifying that they held hands in a circle at her work and
gave the day to God.
Inspirations like this one
encourages my heart.
For a son who loves the Lord and his stepping out in faith
to marry friends tomorrow night.
For cooler weather and rain and
the beautiful sounds of thunderstorms.
For frito chili pie, and
apple cobbler bubbling in the oven.
For a book with more "heart"
and the friend who sent it to me.
For the little wren (I believe ) who warned me
a snake was in my path this morning.
For one last sweet treat
from my Mil and Fil.
(my very favorite)
Mmmm hello scrumptious sweet nouget.
and for my sweet heart and his many many acts of love.
Even after a long days work.
I loved watching him
play with my featherweight after I messed the tension up good, and how fascinated
he was appreciating old gears from back in the 50's.
He even oiled it all for me.
And for this special olde furbaby...
Always faithful,
Where I go
she goes.
Thank you Lord for all these things and
so much more!
Thank you for
my every thing!!
And there are also many other things that Jesus did, which if they were written one by one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the booksthat would be written. Amen.
John 21:25
There's something about a list like that that just warms the cockles of my heart!!!! They are soothing to read, make my own heart thankful for all the things I tend to take for granted, and I go away feeling like I got a glimpse of a friend's big ole drippy heart!!!!
Thank you for sharing your gratitudes Lea. Always a blessing to read and lift us up to another day. It is an sunny day here and the colours are amazing.
Joy and Blessings
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