Thursday, June 26, 2014

Weeding Things Out and Hope

 Yesterday at the Post office; the clerk
and I talked about the date and we wondered together just how in the world
June is almost gone
Time has this way of slipping by 
so quickly.  
I can see it when a week or two  passes
without seeing the little ones and 
how much they've grown.  
I see it in 
all my weeds too.  
Just stand a rake up against a fence here;
and see what I mean.
My blogging is like that too.  
Time between blogposts - 
...A day gone by... grows right into weeks 
Because of it all I know
some things need 
weeded out to make space for things important to me; 
like writing and sharing life  here at the shed.

I didn't know it at the time but
Myguy took this picture of me on his phone
when we went up to Mt Nebo recently.
I remember thinking .. how cool it would be to
fly right off of here.  
Just run and ...
Open up my wings.. open up my heart ..and
soar on wings like eagles.
... I keep thinkin of that moment there. 
Mountain top ledges; --they do thrill me.
My question in my journal today is this:...
While on the  ledge of life ... will and do I trust Him?
How often do I let go... and let God?

Trusting is hard for me. 
I know we're not to worry about the future... 
but sometimes I  
Soon I'll be doing something that in some ways
feels a little bit like  jumpin right off this ledge. 
Trusting God is all I know I can  do.  
I don't know the outcome but 
I know the One who does.
And the word says He's not only with me
but goes before me.  
... In Him I have hope.    
"but those who HOPE in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Some  of you know we live in Arkansas.
Right here in tornado alley.

This Spring and early Summer has been
no exception.
It's rained more than usual
and with that...
 June 6th I had an appt in Little Rock and while we were gone,
a storm went through.  
My neighbor text me and said the winds were
really strong!  
She wasn't kidding.  
When we got home... all our sweet corn was laying down.
Oh I know that aint nothing when you're talkin storms coz
what matters most is your people's safety and your homes etc. 
Thankfully everyone  was fine... but the gardens were a wreck.
The one at my Mommas olde homeplace
it really took a hit.  
What got me most was  our cornpatch;  looked like a goner.
I'll admit... I had tears.  All that hard work.. and tending.  
Hauling manure, working it in with my olde tiller 
pass after pass... all the back breaking hoeing, 
putting layers of newspaper down on all of it and then straw on top?
all that  growing?? 
And there it laid 
right on the ground.

I put on work clothes and started trying to stand it back up 
tamping the soil back down around it but it was all just too wet.
Three whole rows I did this with... but turning around ... they were falling
like dominoes... all back over.  Myguy came up there and patted me and said he thought I  needed to  stop trying.... just walk away.
Let it go... and pray.  
And so I did.   

 Three days later look what started happening!  
 Today the corn towers over me. 
I did not stake it, or tie it or do any thing.  
God picked it back up.  
It's all tasseled out and would ya just  look at all the
cute lil redheads.  
I vividly remember my friend asking me  on that day that  it  all got blown over...
She said, 
"We have HOPE right?"
"HOPE we have!!" 
(Thankyou dear friend)  xoxo
This photo was taken  today on Instagram.
See how tall the stalks are behind the olde 48?!!!  
This my friends is a
corn miracle! 
I share it with you "now." 
-because maybe one of you feels  down by some storm in your life.  
May I encourage you to not give up hope; no matter what it is.
God can pick up the pieces of any thing.  
In any one.  
-- and work it out for good.  

 I know... coz 
He's picked me back up over n over  again 
and sets me... on a rock.

 Well... as Summer rolls on "now"... 
I know it's time  to weed out some areas of my life to make
more space for growin. 
For growing not just in a garden, but this heart and soul too.
 Too often I let things important to me
get crowded out.  It's easy to get over run with stuff huh? 

So I hope  to see ya back here again  soon,
Love and friendship,   Lea


sweetvintageofmine said...

Such a good word Lea....never give up hope! Hope is Faith and prayers do get answered, even for some rows of planted corn!! Our God (the only God) is sooo GOOD and FAITHFUL! So happy for you and praying protection for you and your family during these storms. (We have them too!) Yes ma'am we do have to take those "leaps" of faith and hubby and I are in a big one now with that cottage! lol~ Blessings~~~love your homestead! Roxie

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

It was sooooo good to find you here tonight, along with Hope, Faith, and other friends!!!! They make great company. That corn is going to taste mighty good, Lea. Dare we call it "resurrection corn???" I think I need to do some weeding arouind my heart and soul, too. So much just seems to "happen" and what's really important gets crowded out for some other day. I need a hoe, shovel, rake, etc.!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing this miracle and the encouragement it gives us Lea. It is such a blessing to visit at the Potting Shed....the photos and your words as always, so uplifting. Your garden looks such a peaceful place although I appreciate it takes a lot of hard work. God Bless.

Rebecca said...

I love you, Lea - all the way from up here in northeast Indiana :)

Our corn has really shot up over the past few days - heat and humidity = a winning combination. I can almost SEE it growing as I drive by on my way to OH to visit my mother during the week...