I learned that never do I want to stop learning.
That over and over again...comparing yourself to anybody else is a big fat mistake always!
I learned going to the alter is sacred.
....How mucho my family and friends mean to me.
I learned deer and raccoons will eat corn together happily,
and that while they say there are no wolves in Arkansas anymore..
we think there's at least one.
I learned pride and ego can swell a head.
And how educated a person is or isn't does not make them less than.
I learned it's better to have no expectations of others.. only God.
I learned I want to endure...
I learned that to memorize scripture ...
I learned two verses this month... John 1: 1 and John 1:5
I learned to be more careful around my jar of water with paintbrushes sticking out of it when working on a canvas.
I learned young Carter's a ham and full of personality.
That he seems to like being with me at the garden.
I learned a neck can sound like a box of rice krispies inside.
I learned about Matisse and Gaudi and how much I love stained glass windows and watercolors.
I learned I don't want there to be any rules in my little art.
I learned how much I love my small life here on this farm with my people!
I learned life is extra sweet with kids home around the table celebrating birthdays...
I learned it can downright hurt a body to get out of bed after loading trailer loads of brush from the ice storm.
I learned how to write my prayer focus for 31 days.
I learned it's possible to read from 2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job and almost half way through Psalms in a months time.
I learned to look again before pulling out even in our own driveway.
I learned I won't wait so long again to enjoy another Taco salad.
I learned I need to lay my Isaac down.
I learned in one loud BOOM that a man could lose his life in an instant... and that I could feel and hear it standing in my kitchen a mile and a half away.
I learned life is short.
and every moment is all a gift.
Thank you Lea for helping me memorise scripture and for saying there are no rules. The encouragement you give is amazing. I saw snowdrops today beside a beautiful tree which had a blanket of moss wrapped around it. Tonight the sky is so clear and the stars are twinkling like diamonds,. Sending blessings J.
Lea, this is beautiful. you are truly blessed to have such an amazing family.
Evening Lea, I so enjoy reading your blog...it speaks to me and is such an inspiration. I don't ever want to stop learning either. I have felt the presence of God so strong with me this week...I have truly felt his arms wrapped around me...I needed it. Blessings~~~Roxie
Your extra special and there isn't a week that goes by that I don't think of you.
I don't ever want to stop learning either, Lea! The older I get, the more I realize I don't know. Did my heart good to hear you are memorizing. It's not easy, but well worth it in the long run! It will never leave you, as it is the only thing we have to cling to that IS eternal! HIS words! You are right about the taco salads. I had one yesterday and wondered why I waited so long!!!! Beautiful list, Lea! You learned a lot in January!
That last one is sad, what happened? And that little baby is walking, growing so fast!!! What a month you've had, but so blessed!! I adore your artwork!!
Jeanie thank you for helping "me" memorize too!!! I'm so glad you saw some snowdrops... Spring is surely coming! Janie I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit... I've missed you so much... and we have lots to catch up on... Roxie.. I'm so glad you felt God's presence this past week... and do you know that word ... was my word in bible study this morning!!! Thinking of you too Miss Yolanda runner for Jesus girl!!! Cora... your image of the wall... and tucking God's word into the cracks of our hearts... will always stay with me... thank you for always pointing everyone to Christ... Wish we could go for taco salads together!! Sue... young Carter is growing like a spring weed! I practically don't recognize him everytime I see him for all the changes he goes through! The boom I heard one day... was a man a mile and a half from here was using a torch to thaw out a valve on a tanker... :( Our hearts really ache for his family. When I heard the blast; Mike had just left and I called him praying he was okay... I knew it was something bad that happened. Life can change so suddenly... my love to you all!!! It's snowing here!!!
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