The end of 2013 is drawing near.
It seems; the week of Christmas came and went so quickly. But then;
so did the whole year.
One year ago - right about now... .. I was choosing and deciding on my new words for 2013.
They were:
and Love.
Light became something I was drawn to and
discovered the most beautiful things in it. It became part of a treasure hunt
almost when taking photos. Often I'd turn and there it'd be... streaming through
a hole in a leaf... or making sunflower and morning glory petals translucent,
... shining all across the potters bench,... warming the hood of a rusty olde tractor, a wooden hayfilled
manger, and even spotlighting a hen on a ladder.... - It lit up the harvest moon, and often came beaming down right through the clouds
onto this little farm. Being one of my words... I started seeing it differently.
Mercy ...and love - both are things that I think somehow keep growing
our hearts to become more like Christ. Surely they keep growing us right into forever.
Mercy is something I realize I need on a daily basis... - and learning to give it too.
and Love... well...
-God's love- .. so amazing... bigger than anything comprehendable.
And somehow I've learned over the last almost 50 years that miraculously
our hearts have this gigantanormous capacity to keep growing more love. Big big love!
Turning it into an action word can be the hard part. I've been challenged this year
especially with
--last years anchor verse Luke 10:27
And he answering said,
Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy
soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy
neighbour as thyself.
This scripture became so special to me and is one I've struggled with.
For the past year, notebooks have been filled and lessons learned with thoughts and happenings
with this verse and these three words. I'm thankful to have had them
on the journey.
This coming year, I didn't have to look for an anchor or word... it was more like
the new verse keeps finding me.
Time and time again, in the past month;
I kept opening my bible to this page in Ezekiel
Chpt 36:verse 26
I will give you a new heart and put a new
spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone
out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
Ezekiel?? of the books in the bible
I haven't been so fond of.
But all that's changing now.
How many hours were spent last year looking for
heart rocks? Every hike we went on even Myguy got
reminded to please keep his eyes open for heart rocks. ;)
Going through the Greatest Gift devo
and the last Art workshop; sketches like this
have been winding up in my journal.
New heart.
So this year there's just
one word instead of 3.
Such a complex word.
Written so many times in the bible...
so... --
I'm excited for a new year...
To hang a brand new calender and
grow in everything God has for us all!
It feels great to record it at the olde shed tonight.
Are you ready for a fresh start?
Need a new beginning?
How about resolutions... yes or no?
None here.
Tomorrow will be day one to begin the devo
Whispers of HOPE by Beth Moore though.
It's been hard to not pick it up and start reading it early!
It's almost 11:00... guess it's time to sign off!
I'm painting the cover of a spiral notebook to begin
counting gifts through Holy Experience. A friend encouraged me
to get back on the wagon... and so I'm on.
I wish you ALL a happy and BLESSED
new year!
If you want to share your resolutions, verse, words,
or HEART ... feel free to leave a comment.
I'd love to hear.
Wishing you a very happy and blessed new year Lea.
The word I keep getting is joy...everything I seem to pick up, has the word Joy so I'm going with that. Thank you for sharing your year at the shed, I have enjoyed my visits so much and your encouragement as a dear sister in Christ. Jeanie x
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year in HIM.
My word is LOVE.
It will always be JOY, but I know the only way to have HIS JOY is truly seeking and knowing the LOVE of our KING!
Woolie Love & JOY
His banner over me is LOVE!
I HEART you!!!!! And I still think you should write a book, I love your drawings, you are gifted in so many sweet ways!!! Happy New Year chickie!!!
I really enjoyed this post and I can relate to the light...i was and still am drawn to it. I find myself stopping what ever I am doing to look at it filter down. I have been praying all year for the Lord to open my heart...make it bigger to receive His love and to be able to share that love with others. I love your art journals....I am inspired to try and do one this year. I have a doodle journal but I want to expand and try collage. It is on my to do list. I admire your spirit...the gentle spirit of Christ ,♥
A new heart ... such a beautiful thought, Lea! And only a new heart would even WANT one ---- sounds like a contradiction, doesn't it???? But it does make us realize that it is not within ourselves to make that change and that only through Him can that happen. Looking forward to see what takes place throughout this coming year as you keep this word in front of you! Just beautiful, Lea!
Hau’oli Makahiki Hou Lea! This means HAPPY NEW YEAR in Hawaiian LOL!! It sounds so funny when you say it, but it's meaning is true. The start of a new year brings new beginnings, new fresh hope, completing cycles in the old year, a clean slate so to speak. No resolutions here either. I will do my best to read my bible everyday following my read through the bible in a year plan. I pray that the Lord open my heart and mind to his word, his breath of life to me, so that a deeper understanding of his glory unfolds in my heart and soul. Two words that stand out to me in this new year,and be cause for study is "righteousness" and "faith" The bible has a lot to say about both of those words so I am very excited about this path :-)
Looking forward to what this year has for us all!!! Thank you Lea for sharing with us your many blessings.
P.S. That is THEE prettiest STAR christmas tree!!!!!!!
Happy New Year Lea..... My scripture for the year is going to be:
Isaiah 43:19
King James Version (KJV)
19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
love the red heart ~
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