... Taking a moment to stop and give thanks today for a few
random blessings.
-my phone ringing and hearing a trusted Italian kindred heart on the other end of the line.
... a crackling fire radiating warmth deep into my bones from this vintage woodstove.
...his dirty wet leather glove holding mine tight...
... a crackling fire radiating warmth deep into my bones from this vintage woodstove.
...his dirty wet leather glove holding mine tight...
that our music man chose to spend his day off here- with us... and how he always pitches
in and lends a helping hand.
How he loaded his big white truck with the return parts and ran his dad around town- Father and son.
- gathering at the table together and breaking bread in front of a twinkling tree..
for the hard working men who conquered cold, ice and limbs to bring electricity back to us and our neighbors.
For lamplight.. and finding our way around in the dark.
in and lends a helping hand.
How he loaded his big white truck with the return parts and ran his dad around town- Father and son.
- gathering at the table together and breaking bread in front of a twinkling tree..
for the hard working men who conquered cold, ice and limbs to bring electricity back to us and our neighbors.
For lamplight.. and finding our way around in the dark.
For a welder with the generator that kept food from spoiling..
For good olde Buck the truck. How he always starts and is ready to work putting out haybales, and hauls anything anywhere; blowing warm air from the vents.
For the sunshine melting rooftops into drippy wet, art-sicles.
For rice krispy treats that are mysteriously disappearing from the pan.
I'm thankful.
How Myguy will say "bring em here" when my feet are like two blocks of ice at bedtime.
And how well he puts up with the broken thermostat I got at menopause.
...The beautiful Christmas cards with many Merry hellos and cute photos in our mailbox.
For having two friendly worker bees at our post office...
For the whole flock of handmade angels from Peace Blvd that watch over us in our tree... from a precious friend who's an angel to me.
For my devotional today that helped me pause and see the many times across my life where God caused things to just "happen."
For my very own Kinsmen Redeemer.
For these goosebumps I just got writing that outloud here.
The Christmas music I'm so blessed with that helps me enter in... and worship. Many are new songs I found this year and are playing on this blog.
That God doesn't seem to mind that I sing offkey and still meets me at the heart..in the middle of it all.
That He brought Myguy safely home to me once again across that long river valley bridge.. over ice and through thick peasoup fog.
For the blooming Christmas cactus and an Amaryllis growing higher...and sweet memories of my Momma who used to gift my sisterbear and I with both.
For a sweetly shared Mother and son moment involving peppermint chocolate and my Strongheart.
For a text that just came in on my phone. It was from my next door neighbor who simply said, "What a beautiful day!!!" - It truly is and...I am always blessed by her friendly enthusiasm for life!!!
For my ancient brother... Olde Ezekiel.
For ...the "NEW HEART."
For good olde Buck the truck. How he always starts and is ready to work putting out haybales, and hauls anything anywhere; blowing warm air from the vents.
For the sunshine melting rooftops into drippy wet, art-sicles.
For rice krispy treats that are mysteriously disappearing from the pan.
I'm thankful.
How Myguy will say "bring em here" when my feet are like two blocks of ice at bedtime.
And how well he puts up with the broken thermostat I got at menopause.
...The beautiful Christmas cards with many Merry hellos and cute photos in our mailbox.
For having two friendly worker bees at our post office...
For the whole flock of handmade angels from Peace Blvd that watch over us in our tree... from a precious friend who's an angel to me.
For my devotional today that helped me pause and see the many times across my life where God caused things to just "happen."
For my very own Kinsmen Redeemer.
For these goosebumps I just got writing that outloud here.
The Christmas music I'm so blessed with that helps me enter in... and worship. Many are new songs I found this year and are playing on this blog.
That God doesn't seem to mind that I sing offkey and still meets me at the heart..in the middle of it all.
That He brought Myguy safely home to me once again across that long river valley bridge.. over ice and through thick peasoup fog.
For the blooming Christmas cactus and an Amaryllis growing higher...and sweet memories of my Momma who used to gift my sisterbear and I with both.
For a sweetly shared Mother and son moment involving peppermint chocolate and my Strongheart.
For a text that just came in on my phone. It was from my next door neighbor who simply said, "What a beautiful day!!!" - It truly is and...I am always blessed by her friendly enthusiasm for life!!!
For my ancient brother... Olde Ezekiel.
For ...the "NEW HEART."
,,For pillowtalk that ends in much laughter and Myguy's forgiveness when I nodded off in the middle of our conversation..uttering words that made no sense whatsoever. -- That he loves me even still and always more.
For how God crossed our paths that night in the Safeway Parking lot when I ran into the car he was in ... with my Skylark;
and how later I just happened to get a letter in the mail forcing me to switch High schools- mine... to his. And how I just happened to wind up in his math class... etc etc...
--For the so many things that just happened and how God worked things out for our good.
For a Mentors note to me about the coming of our Savior. Her encouragement to begin writing out what His coming to earth gave and keeps on giving me.
For Godly friends who daily "do" life with me...... and how they point me to keep moving forward... focused on my one True North.
... for the blessing it is to be submissive to my husband and that because he's a godly man.. I'm thankful he has my best interests always at heart.
I'm also thankful to remember that God is God and that His word... it still stands true today ...
... for my Aunts and Uncle who model so well "loving more"- ...just like their angelSister did.
How a friend shared her tears with me last night... I could really feel the love.
For how God crossed our paths that night in the Safeway Parking lot when I ran into the car he was in ... with my Skylark;
and how later I just happened to get a letter in the mail forcing me to switch High schools- mine... to his. And how I just happened to wind up in his math class... etc etc...
--For the so many things that just happened and how God worked things out for our good.
For a Mentors note to me about the coming of our Savior. Her encouragement to begin writing out what His coming to earth gave and keeps on giving me.
For Godly friends who daily "do" life with me...... and how they point me to keep moving forward... focused on my one True North.
... for the blessing it is to be submissive to my husband and that because he's a godly man.. I'm thankful he has my best interests always at heart.
I'm also thankful to remember that God is God and that His word... it still stands true today ...
... for my Aunts and Uncle who model so well "loving more"- ...just like their angelSister did.
How a friend shared her tears with me last night... I could really feel the love.
...There's so much more-
But chores are waiting to get done.
-Like my friend and neighbor said... "It's a beautiful day"....
... a beautiful day to stop and give thanks.
Your fresh and precious sentences of thanksgiving are things of beauty, Lea! They bring a smile to my face and I just know they gladden God's heart ♥
There is nothing that can cheer my day better, Lea, than reading your lists like this. What stood out to me??. . . How you nodded off to sleep while your guy was still talking to you! Just a beautiful way to end a day.
It's a beautiful, sunny day here, too, nut bread cooking, and a really hot pumpkin spice coffee in my cup. Want some????
What lovely December blessings,,,especially the one about you and your husband....your devotional goosebumps...I get them sometime myself.Feeling the love of a hurting friend and your art-sicles♥....
Lovely photos Lea sharing your blessings of friends and family at this time of year. It is so special that you have a mentor to give encouragement. It is a busy time for some people and I'm thankful that you take time out to share. Jx
Oh how lovely-all of it.
What a list of blessings...gifts!
Warms my heart reading them all!
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