Friday, August 9, 2013

Sharing A Few More Blessings....

 There are so many moments to behold- 
and these are a few from my week that I thank God for... 

For fluffy clouds filled with light....

and the way this sunset grew tree shadows
and lit up even  the picnic table.

For my family and friends; good health, 
and  happiness that seems to grow big
on this small farm. 

 For my best friend and
how hard he works and loves us so well. 

 For the pretty jay feather I found mowing-  and this little antique 
blue bottle; gifted from a friend.
Sweet and simple delights.

 ...The road runner who hopped a customers flat bed
and just hung out and preened awhile. 
 The songs and tweets my ears get to hear while 
working out back. 

 The many hummers and witnessing  their mighty  battles 
to be boss of the feeder.
 That I get to see an old friend later today...
and that her favorite cookies didn't burn. 
 For finding the fancy grasses I've been adoring 
on the half off rack at Wallyworld. 
 And the fancy new plumes now cascading from the one that rooted 
still in it's plastic pot.   

 For the rain we got again just this morning.  
It's so lush and beautiful for this time of year  and we're so grateful. 
 For all the butterflies slurping zinnias.
 And these dishes in my sink right now.  
For the piping hot water that comes right out of our tap, ...
and cold air blowing from our vents. 
I am so very blessed. 
 For knocking lots of  wasper nests down,
without any more stings.
 And heavy sunflowers 
 chock-full of  seed
bowing down...
 For a garden  that keep blooming
and blooming and blooming
some "more"...
 The melons that play
hide and seek,
and how fat they are  with all this rain. 
 .... for this  place to just "be"

-- That I finished the wonderful study "Loving God with all your mind,"
and can now really jump into the next one:  "Stronger"
 .... For a piece of fabric 
"shade cloth" to cool down beneath.

 ...for potting shed visitors that fly in,
and back out again....
 a giant hopper who had a thing for  olde jars

and even my sweet tea too.

 for this lil fella ....

 And this  little friend who lives under the lilies and seems
 so content to be himself:
 a toad....

 For this dragonfly who followed me
and stayed awhile to chat.

 ....For time away over the weekend to explore our mountains,
 and visit places we'd never been...
(The Olde Union School)
 For loggin roads, and streams to cross,
and  the many  black eyed susies 
that graced the  creek beds.

For fresh air to breathe and and his hand to hold
while hiking  side by side.  

 For more cool rocks to haul home... and how he.... never complains
and seems to just "get me."   Ahhh sweet love.  
 I am so very blessed.  

 Thank you Lord for this wonderful life you've given me.
.... for all these things and so much more....
thank you for my every

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.


Anonymous said...

I love the pics Lea and your encouraging words. The photo of the humming bird is amazing. Glad you had a lovely time in the mountains enjoying the fresh air. Thank you for taking time out to share. You are a blessing. Jeanie x

Unknown said...

That's a GREAT hummer shot!!! I love your life, and thanks for sharing it with us!!!

Debra said...

Oh dear one-thank you for this post-it was lovely. YOU are a blessing I thank God for.

Denise said...

beautiful post.

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

I'm sitting here and the the thunder and lightening are in chorus with the driving rain, and I'm reading all your blessings just saying AMEN!!!!! If I had to pick just one (and that is so hard!!!!), it would be the drooping sunflowers. I can't even imagine how many seeds are in those heads --- have you ever counted them?
Second pick would be the toad -- only because of how content he seems! If only WE could find that contentment with our lives! I agree with Jean --- you ARE a blessing!

Rebecca said...

Sweet! Thankful for eyes to see, ears to hear, words to express, "heart" in which to ponder. And yes, hot water from the tap & cool air from the vents :)

Attic Clutter said...

Ha I just give thanks for the blessed cloud that blocks this HOT sun where I live (:)
You already live in the country..right? (:)
the wax chit chat is about the ''can'' of stuff to put on crew cuts.. we were talking of using it on short hair
..for us women (:)
a way to make it stay back and up (:)like a spike'y hairdo ~
hugs Lea

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Goodness, you are truly blessed with the things that matter and GOD provides. We truly are blessed... now if my hubby would only GET ME when I want him to stop the car so I can take a picture....giggle....

Lisa said...

Congrats on your Santa Dude! I came here from Traces scraps and squares--just love her blog. If you have time, stop by my blog Herb and Botanicals--Would love new followers! BTW--your pics are just beautiful!!

Dee said...

I love all your visual blessings..I will have to try it one day.