Sunday, July 28, 2013

Early to Rise

I could hardly wait to open my journal this morning.  I'd been laying in bed with so many thoughts  swirling inside ...Wonders... what if's; (only the good kind)-  what if's with possibilities and courage attached.  Things I want to learn... Places to see.... Dreams .... and gratitude too. 

Funny how people dots we connect ... can be used to spur us on.  Yesterday I wrote a new friend and made mention that I'd thought once about getting involved in master gardening; there's so much I want to learn.    I heard however that you have to take a test after the classes .... -- so...I changed my mind.  lol  Its easy to nervously chuckle at that... but if I were to fess uP and be  real  about it... I'm just afraid of failure.  With that in mind journaling this morning I can step back and see that fear is the very thing that usually holds me back.

While getting involved in a master gardener's program was just one fleeting thought; maybe it's something to ponder more on and pray about too.. Not so much as in making a bucket list but... living out loud the things I was created to become and see, and do.... --- After all; the clock is ticking, and.. well;  you never know when someone could  "run into the back of your wagon"  -and in a blink of an eye, everything could change completely or... be over.

I have a blogger friend who's a mountain man and lives in Montana.  Right now he's on the other side of the world... Africa!  He left with $80.00 in his pocket... and one of his last facebook posts was: are you afraid?- I am.  ;)   He also wrote about fear being our enemy- I know he's right.

Thumbing through one of my soul journal pages where I dared to dream.... one of the entries  says, I want to be brave.  ...  It holds true today; because I still do.  If God called me to jump on a plane and fly to the other side of the world ... would I?  I hope so.
I want to live the life that says yes.    


Attic Clutter said...

hi Lea (:)
happy Sunday..

Cora from Hidden Riches said...

Speaking as an OLD person here, Lea, I would have to encourage you to try anything and everything your heart wants to do. My biggest list in life is the list of my regrets of things I wanted to do, wanted to learn, places to go, and did not do any of them. . . . because of the fear of failure. And everything thing on that list, if I DID do them, SO WHAT if I failed!!!! Sometimes, it's not the A+ you get at the end, it's the journey that counts and what you become as a person for doing it. I have failed . . . a lot of times. Yet, I'm not sorry because I learned a lot on the way, and learned even more in the failing. The Bible is so full of failures -- a bunch of flunkies that God used in mighty ways. I'd love to line up with any of them!!! So go for it, Lea! I'm your biggest cheerleader!

Unknown said...

I too have thought about doing the master gardeners course but I hate tests and not sure I could learn all the latin names for plants, so I changed my mind too! Your Montana friend is brave, why did he go to Africa?

Trace4J said...

Great post.
I wanna be BraVe too.
Though I am weak..He is strong.
Woolie Joy

Denise said...

Wonderful post sis.

Leaon Mary said...

Happy day Pattycake! .... Cora you are such an enCOURAGER!!! Sue.. it's all that latin stuff that has me worried too.... lol wish we lived closer we could go for it together!... - Oh; my mountain man friend is a brother in Christ and is in Uganda on a missions trip! He builds the most amazing bows and is there to serve. May God help you to be brave too Trace and Denise!! Have a great day yall!

sweetvintageofmine said...

GO for it Girl!! You never know what God has in store for you......If I were there, I would take the class with you! Blessings~~~Roxie

Dee said...

I think you would love the master gardeners probably already know more than you think you is a great program. I felt the same way with joining the art guild...when I got there...I realized I had worried over nothing. If God asks you to do something he may rattle your comfort zone but he will always equip you for the calling and he will never ask someone who can not sing to join a choir. :)

PCovi said...

you just reminded me...I left here with NO cash LOL just a credit card.

You are smart and interested in the subject...of COURSE you can pass the test! GO FOR IT.
There is probably a reason God is urging you to do it.

Anonymous said...

Lea, I think you should go for it. You are more than capable and have practical experience behind you and even if you don't think it's the thing for you, then you tried otherwise you would always be wondering. Take care and have a blessed day. Hugs Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Lea, I think you should go for it. You are more than capable and have practical experience behind you and even if you don't think it's the thing for you, then you tried otherwise you would always be wondering. Take care and have a blessed day. Hugs Jeanie

Fran. said...

Lea WHAT IF you could take what you learn as a Master Gardner and pay it forward for God? Would you? I ask myself this question too? Would I? do what God is calling me to do? or run in fear like a scared little baby? It is that letting go and let God and not taking it back for ourselves!! XOXO Love ya Frannie

Paula said...

Just learned something new about you today! With all your gardening experience, you would pass with flying colors. How fun would that be? Looking forward to hearing about what you decide. Beeg hugs my friend

Attic Clutter said...

oh dreaming(:)
always good to plan a bucket list(:)
hugs Lea

Attic Clutter said...

oh I see u on your tractor on the banner(:)
so fun it!

CJ said...

I love the encouragement and inspiration in this post, Lea!! Thank you, sweet friend :)
Hugz, Cathy♥♥

CJ said...

I love the encouragement and inspiration in this post, Lea!! Thank you, sweet friend :)
Hugz, Cathy♥♥