My dear friends,
This is so hard to tell you; ....but a chapter seems to be ending, and it's time to close the door to the Shabby Olde Potting Shed.
I've been thinking about this for quite a while now and I know it's time.
Thank you so much for journeying with me; you've been such a blessing in my life!!!
I don't know if the Shed will reopen again one day, or if maybe something brand new is just around the corner. Thankfully we can keep in contact through email, and Facebook.
My deepest thanks to all of you with...... all my shabby heart.
I already miss you!
God bless you all,
and Holykisses!!! xoxo
Lea, I am sorry to hear this. I do understand. I hope that you will keep in touch with me through e-mail.
Please take care and God Bless You.
Please keep in touch. Dawn
OH NO!!!! I WILL MISS YOU !!!! I so hate FB ..... Please keep in touch...
I'm sad, but respect your decision. I'm hurrying to be sure I have your email & facebook information!
I've ♥ed spending time at your Shed...
You will be missed, will miss seeing photos of your farm and reading about your walk with the lord. God keep you and yours safe.
This saddens me, totally selfish on my part, but I'm gonna miss you and your blog!!! But, I'm sure you have a good reason, just don't disappear all together!!!! You have blessed my life so much in just knowing you, love ya chickie!!!
Ecc. 3:1 Wow this is a big decision for you and I will MISS you so much at the Shed. Thank you for allowing God to use you through your blog. It has been such a big blessing in my life. Hopefully we can keep in touch the old fashion way!
Aloha Paula
Lea .. My heart is sad to see you go .. but I also know our lives must change and different paths must be walked.
I truly pray that God will give your direction in your new path ..and that he will bless it even more than he has this one.
You have been a treasure to me .. a light in a dark world .. a gift of God with a gift to teach through life experience and knowledge. I'm sure God has a beautiful new path for you ahead.
I will miss you ..I will miss your posts popping up ..
I shall never forget the beautiful seed you scattered from the shabby olde potting shed.
With Much Love ..
Your Sister in Christ
I am truly grieving! I don't care if I am being selfish and thinking only of little ol' me, but your blog is my rock!!!! Please don't take it down. We'll all want to come back, reread, and . . . . hope!!!!! Love you, girl! Love your chicks, love everything there at the potting shed!!!!
So sorry to hear this, I will miss you indeed, I'll be looking for you on facebook, hopefully we can connect there. I have a better understanding of how facebook works now and I have rejoined and not so afraid of it anymonger. God's blessings Lea, its sure been nice knowing you.
Love you Lea. I will sure miss you as I have been coming by to read and so enjoy your posts and pictures. Thank YOU for always bringing a smile to my face and my heart.
God bless you sweet sister.
Oh I too am sad. As I've said..God has used you and your Potting Shed to help this granny girl grow. Please stop by my blog today.
Love,love, in Him
? :/
I will miss you too Lea. But will always be just an email away or comment on facwebook or inbox there away!! And there is always Pinterest!!! LOve ya, respect you, and care about you. Love, XOXO Fran. PS You Grow Girl!!!!!! and I will too!!!
Yes, seasons for things. I understand. Good for you for following God's leading.
we have enjoyed this season, and you will be missed.
blessings, and thank for all the prayers.
barbara jean
I haven't stopped by in awhile but I am sad to see you go. You have such a refreshing message and you will be missed.I know about change though and we have to be true to what we believe God has called us to. I will miss the farm and all your wonderful ways of connecting the natural and the spiritual.
Blessings for your journey
Lea - I know if you are closing the door that you are doing so in wisdom. Facebook has "killed" blogging, so to speak, but I will miss your posts, about the family farm and the pets and such. You are a woman of God and I pray he blesses you richly.
Love - Kelly
Falling off my chair.....with sad yet so understanding...hoping you leave your blog UP and available to continue to encourage with what you've shared. I agree with the're a rock, you're an inspiration, you're an encourager, you're the light on a dark day, you're the hand held out when another is slipping, you're a ray of Jesus' light, you're truth in the midst of falsehood, you're a follower of Christ who truly blesses all you meet. ( Can you tell I'm going to miss you tons and tons? I know when we meet in person in heaven, we'll pick up right where we left off."
Hugs and holy kisses, Heidi
Im in TOTAL agreement with Ms. Cora!! I am grieving along with her and the countless others that YOU, MY DEAR FRIEND, have touch in ways YOU will never, ever know!! Selfish indeed BUT I know that God has GREATER things in stror for you if this door is closing...HE IS OPENING a far better one!! Cant wiat to see where HE leads....
Praying for you in the days ahead...that you will feel His everlasting PEACE and LOVE as you go forward...
I will miss ya dearly
Lea. I can not tell you how sad this makes me. I don't say this to put any pressure on you because I am sure you've put lots of thought and prayer into your decision. I am so glad that I have you on fb to stay in touch with. How can someone I've never met "in real life" make me feel so loved and befriended? I don't know - but you do. I loved escaping from the hustle and bustle of my busy, crazy life to the Potting Shed to see what's going on in a "quieter" place. Love you my friend. I'm just a click away...I hope you know that.
Sherry xo
OH my ..well honey it will still be one of my favorite blogs(:) see ya on FB ..
Lovely I will miss that Shabby Olde Potting Shed, but I do understand, there are seasons in our lives. I will miss checking in here for inspiration, peace, laughter....all of that and more. I will be keeping in touch with you by email of FB messaging and looking forward to hearing where the Lord will be leading you from here. You are very gifted at expressing yourself in writing, sharing your life in an open and honest way and in being a wonderful friend!! I love you my friend ♥
Hi Sweety(:)
Thanks on the winter pics ..I painted a tiny chicken pic then another sheep primitive house scene (:) I'll post glad you came by ..come see me after you're off here sorry to hear you are stopping could just post once in awhile (:) soups was good- rice chicken onions carrot on and on .. big hugs,P
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