Monday, January 2, 2012

Grow Girl

Happy new year friends!
Here's to new beginnings!

On New Year's day, we went to church.
I was so happy that we got to receive Holy Communion, and was hoping we would!

This Monday morning, was the start of two brand new devotionals. Both were Christmas gifts from two friends.
One I didn't photograph; but it's called: More Than Conquerors.
And the one above is Choosing Joy.
To start fresh, I bought new pens this past week, and new notebooks! Going shopping for new paper and pens is way up there on my favorite things to do list! I must have had this devo in my head when buying the notebook because they match so well. ~Funny thing about all this: The friend who sent this devotional, sent me things that said the word JOY on them. Even the card talked about JOY. Then, get this; when my other friend gave me the More Than Conquerors devotional... it was in a bag that said JOY on both sides! I'm tellin the truth here! Yes way Jose!
If that weren't enough, last night, while I was taking down the tree and boxing up the ornaments; I opened the large tupperware that houses my childhood ornaments. Inside; I came across this.....

I had to grab my camera so I'd never forget this moment.
As I was setting my childhood ornies away, I came across this gingerbread ornie that my AngelMother made years ago. I didn't even see it when I took the ornaments out to hang on the tree, but it was in this matching green tissue paper. More JOY!!!! ~Needless to say; all the other ornies went back in the box, but this one... is staying out. It's a sweet joyFULL blessing to my shabby olde heart!!!!!
So are you making resolutions?
You know I've shared them here in times past, ....but not this year.
No resolutions for me.
If I have any resolution to make, it's to have no more rules!

All that said; I will admit to looking where I've been in 2011, and I've journaled like crazy, things I'd love to work on, ...see happen, and enJOY!

My new anchor verse is all over me. I wish I could explain...and somehow describe how big it feels! It's been tucked right into my new banner.
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen."
2 Peter 3:18

So these are the new words standing out on my journey:
Grace. And I'm pretty sure I'd be missing it; if Joy weren't added.

Although I don't want to get stuck in rules, there are alot of things I hope to do this year.

Seek God more.
and follow Him-
(even though I don't know what the future holds.)
Love better.
Pray more.
Give thanks.
Be real.
Be the trusted friend.
Listen harder,
Talk less.
Take more risks.
Plant in fertile soil.
Grow and hoard more flowers and ...vine ripened tomatoes. ;)
Read more books.
Write everything!
Try alot more new recipes!
Make our shabby, olde, farmhouse nest softer, ... and prettier-
and fill it even more with the word of God.
Receive grace.
And be ...a grace giver!

I hope to "grow in grace and the knowledge
of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To HIM be glory
both now and forever!


Attic Clutter said...

Happy 2012 to you too Lea..
thanks for the sweet messages you always post..

Anonymous said...

Your post touched my heart this morning Lea!
I've been thinking about you for the last couple of days...

Mecky said...

Those are the best goals to have!!
I don't really make resolutions anymore. I just want to work to do and be my best. Today I am starting in on de-cluttering so that I can make my life and my families life easier.

Happy JOYous New Year!

Rebecca said...

I think that's right along with the word I've kind of zeroed in on - "graciousness". Grounded and abounding in grace is what I long to be.

That "joy" ornament is so precious. May the joy of the Lord be your strength in 2012, Lea. ♥

Trace4J said...

How can we ever go wrong if we keep our eyes on HIM.
Growing in Grace & JOY!
Firmly rooted in His Word and Love.
love the no rules..uncondtional love..
loved your sharing.
Woolie Love & Ginger JOY

Unknown said...

I too love shopping for new pens and paper, going journal shopping today!!! Love this post so much, and that header is probably one of my favorites now, it's full of JOY!!!! Love ya chickie!!

Fran. said...

Hello Lea!! You know I have been in love with your sign on your banner since you put it up!! "GROW GIRL" is such an awesome reminder to me that our relationship with the Lord is ours alone and is so special! I make it more complicated than it is. I love to live a simple life and "Grow Girl" is just that. A sign that reminds me dailey I can do it!!I may borrow your Grow Girl for my New Year words to live by! And joy will most certainly go along with that if I do it right!! Last year my words were "I CAN". SO I did new things I never did before!! And guess what I did it!!! Well I've preached it enough!! LOL Knowing you I know I can use Grow Girl too!! Thanks Lea, and I journal too. I feel 2012 is gonna be awesome!! Love ya, XO Fran.

Sunnyside Up said...

Dontcha LOVE fresh starts and NEW years?! I bought new pens & a journal too! There's something about blank pages...
I get GooseBumps thinking about HOW God used the word JOY to come up over & over for you during this Special time!
I LOVE that gingerbread ornie...I sure would be keepin that one out too...
lovin your list of "to do's" goals
no rules
...just GODS leading

grown in GRACE & JOY girl!!
love ya