Thursday, December 1, 2011

Gratitudes 21 Hello December!

Greetings and Holykisses!

It's finally here: December 1st!
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas isn't it?!
Like many of you; I've been decking the halls with boughs of holly, and I'm really feelin the Christmas spirit! I just love Christmas time!!

I've gotta run out the door soon to make my hair appointment but wanted to just stop for a moment and share a few random blessings.

I'm thankful today:
... that I'm a daughter to the King!
... for my family. A husband who loves me even on the days when I could no doubt ride in on a broom.
For kids who make life so much fun.
For getting to spend time with the inlove's over Thanksgiving.
For Mil's surgery going well and that she's on the mend.
For time to get to know nieces n nephews again.
... For the warm delight I felt through my arms and heart holding young Wyatt.
For thee incredible feast shared!
For WildBill and Carlos' amaaaaazing stuffing! (I'll not soon forget it)
For my dear Jacki's sour cream n raisin pie... oh my word.
For laughter...
and good health!
for... safe travels on our journey.
For this shabby olde farmhouse to come home to. (I love where we live)
For the good ole Ozark mountains. I take for granted how beautiful it is here.
For friends who will feed your persnippity-bunny, scatterbrained guineafriend, gather your eggs and risk their life and limb around
your mean butt rooster!
For a wonderful vet to watch and protect your precious furbabies.
For the love the corgi kids lavished on me when we said hello again!
For the coupon for a free butterball!
For my wonderful friend and neighbor who stops me in the road just to say howdy.
For the loudest donkey brays... that mean, "hullo!"- in funkydonkeytalk*
For the two old aqua spindles Fil gave us in the photo above. (They're from Myguy's old homeplace and I love em!)
For coffee with a shot of gingerbread creamer.
Homemade cookies made by Mil's hands.
For having victory over the M&M's that tempted me. I swear there were bowls I think in every room! (Haha M&Mers you do NOT have a stronghold over me anymore.)
For Christmas music ... and finding my favorite songs on playlist! Does Mac Powell have a great voice or what?
For youtubing with my son Tony. I love hearing what he likes to listen to while we talk on the phone.
For my friends. I love yall and I'm thankful for you!

Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written. John 21:25

I better head out the door.
I'm gettin a new dooo today!

Holykisses xoxo


From the Heart said...

Beautiful gratitudes and beautiful pictures. You inspire me when you write, I can almost hear your laughter. I finally got my Blog Closing up after the Rapture. If you haven't seen it, it's on the leftsidebar down a little ways. Let me know what you think. The picture is different from yours.

Paula said...

Oh Dear friend I so appreciate your tender heart. Beautiful gratitude's, and love the scripture. Can you IMAGINE that many books???? I can imagine your King smiling down on you!!!